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Evalautor Updates this Year

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1 Evalautor Updates this Year
Most Criteria were unchanged Criteria 2 (Objectives) and Criteria 3(Outcomes) Split Up New Criteria 4 - Higher ones renumbered

2 Criterion 2 - Objectives
there must be an assessment and evaluation process that periodically documents and demonstrates the degree to which these objectives are attained it would make sense to consider what graduates have done after graduation in the evaluation process the evaluation process does not have to result in a numeric score – it does need to yield information that lets the program see how well the objectives are being attained

3 Criterion 3 - Outcomes Program outcomes are outcomes (a) through (k) plus any additional outcomes that may be articulated by the program and … an assessment and evaluation process that periodically documents and demonstrates the degree to which the program outcomes are attained

4 Criterion 4- Continuous Improvement
All of the prior TQM stuff in 2 and 3 is now here Each program must show evidence of actions to improve the program. These actions should be based on available information, such as results from Criterion 2 and Criterion 3 processes. This is a new Criterion. The improvements can be based on any available information! - Expected to change!

5 Consistency Lot of emphasis placed on team consistency
More than last year Perhaps just the team chair Better briefing on what to look for this year But their was an ABET slide packet with info When in doubt go with tougher shortcoming Easier for all to make review make things weaker than tougher

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