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La Familia For this project, you will be creating a family tree using Prezi. ( You must have photos introducing your family members. You.

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Presentation on theme: "La Familia For this project, you will be creating a family tree using Prezi. ( You must have photos introducing your family members. You."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Familia For this project, you will be creating a family tree using Prezi. ( You must have photos introducing your family members. You must have at least five family members. If you don’t have 5 family members to connect – make some up (have Justin Beiber be your primo, have Betty White be your abuela…etc.) Each member will need the following: Name Relationship to you (use possessive adj.) The person’s age Make a comparison for each person…mas + que, menos + que, etc.

2 Common writing rubric

3 Common speaking rubric

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