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Vocabulary Lesson 1 Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Grade 10

2 Abet verb The prison guard abetted the prisoner’s escape by providing him with a chisel and screwdrivers.

3 Ardor noun The defending troops fought with ardor because the enemy would not be taking any prisoners.

4 Ascribe Verb The carpenter ascribed the rotten floorboards to a leaky roof.

5 Coerce verb Jerry preferred basketball, but his father coerced him into playing football.

6 Divulge verb

7 Dogmatic ADJ Because of the professor’s dogmatic approach, the students were afraid to ask questions. He never altered from his opinion.

8 Extraneous ADJ The professor felt that the extraneous paragraph in the essay detracted from the more important information.

9 Gregarious ADJ Just before he was diagnosed with clinical depression, Raji went from being gregarious to being antisocial.

10 Insipid ADJ My mom wanted me to be an accountant, but I found the classes boring and insipid.

11 Jaundiced ADJ Gabe had a jaundiced view of Iraq after losing his wife in the Gulf War.

12 Meticulous ADJ With meticulous care, he crafted a
dollhouse for his daughter.

13 Occlude Verb The Hoover Dam occludes water from reaching the Colorado River. The dam controls floods and provides irrigation water.

14 Proclivity Noun Abigail’s proclivity for history led her to write a book on the founders of her home town.

15 Rote Noun

16 Temerity Noun I couldn’t believe that Bret had the temerity to bungee jump over a lake full of alligators.

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