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PPP vs. task-based instruction

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Presentation on theme: "PPP vs. task-based instruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 PPP vs. task-based instruction

2 PPP Presentation: a new structure is presented, explained
Practice: the students practise it in grammar exercises Production: the students produce it in communication

3 Perspectives A lesson plan? A set of procedures? A learning process?
Probably all of these

4 Rejected by many because:
Lack of emphasis on meaning and communication at the early stages Teachability hypothesis Too teacher-centred Too rigid

5 ‘essentially a discredited, meaning-impoverished methodology’
Skehan: ‘essentially a discredited, meaning-impoverished methodology’

6 The alternative: task-based instruction
‘Instruction in which learners are given tasks to complete in the classroom makes the assumption that transacting tasks in this way will engage naturalistic acquisitional mechanisms, cause the underlying interlanguage system to be stretched and drive development forward.’

7 Discussion What would be your criticisms of the PPP approach?
Of the task-based approach? A possible solution: focus on form.

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