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Some Reflections on Doing Research

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1 Some Reflections on Doing Research
Dr. Yixin (Sarah) Zhang Sep 23, 2016

2 Agenda Starting with a research project Studies Q&A Choosing a topic
Asking research questions Doing literature review Designing the research Studies Q&A

3 Choosing a research topic and ask research questions
How to find a topic? Inspired by literature, inspired by theory Inspired by phenomenon E.g. Mobile app’s permission requests and privacy intrusion, popularity of Pokeman go, usage of mobile payment They are not exclusive

4 Choosing a research topic and ask research questions
First, ask questions Then, make the questions more and more specific, make the questions testable, i.e. can be tested, can be examined E.g. How does X influence Y?

5 Doing literature review
Explore Google scholar search May start with a topic, with a paper, with a scholar Find the important studies in the field, check which studies are citing the study Organize the literature review Jane Webster and Richard T. Watson, Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: Writing a literature review, 2002, MIS Quarterly

6 Leading journals in the IS field
ISR MISQ JMIS EJIS JAIS Information Systems Journal Journal of Information Technology Journal of Strategic Information Systems

7 Journals’ JYU library access
Information Systems Research MIS Quarterly Journal of Management Information Systems EJIS

8 Designing the research
Methods Survey Field data (panel data analysis, content analysis) Experiment Case study Can the research design address the research question(s)? Is the research design feasible?

9 Designing the research
Taking research methods courses Finding good studies which adopt the methods, and learn from the studies.

10 Examples A Study using field data A Studying using a survey methdology
A Field Study of Effects of Pinterest-Style Infinite Scroll Layouts on User Contributions in Social Commerce Sites A Studying using a survey methdology Citizen Participation through Microblogging: Technology Features, Empowerment Perceptions, and Voicing Behaviors Case study Leveraging Micro Blogging to Build Trust by Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Pioneers in China

11 Among the websites you visit, any of them uses infinite scroll interface?
As a user, have you thought about how will this design influence your usage? As a website designer or business owner, have you thought about the impact on your site or business?

12 How Do Users Respond to Pinterest-Style Infinite Scroll Layouts?
A Field Study of Effects of Pinterest-Style Infinite Scroll Layouts on User Contributions in Social Commerce Sites

13 Citizen Participation through Microblogging: Technology Features, Empowerment Perceptions, and Voicing Behaviors

14 Motivation Wenzhou High Speed Train Crash, 20:38, July 23, 2011

15 “Help! High speed train D301 ran off track … ”
July 23, 20:47 9 minutes after the crash Microblog posts one who was on the train 110,921 retweets 24,411 comments

16 Leveraging Micro Blogging to Build Trust by Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Pioneers in China

17 Little Donkey’s Micro Blog
12,435 followers 2,645 posts as of De 15, 2012

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