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Presentation on theme: "METHOD LIBRARY RESEARCH ONLINE READING"— Presentation transcript:

Tuttle Japanese for Kids Flash Card, Timothy G. Stout, Tuttle Publishing, 11 Nov 2014 Nihongo Daisuki: Japanese for Children Trogh Games and Songs, Susan H. Hirate & Noriko Kawaura, Bess Press, 1990 An Introductory Handbook to Japan and Its People (改訂版 英語で日本紹介ハンドブック By 松本美江) ONLINE READING

2 おてだま OTEDAMA

3 History Originated from China and transmitted to Japan during Nara period. Popular after World War II. Bean bag (Ojami) contained azuki beans Parents smuggled extra food inside otedama during wartimes

4 Formation Nagedama Yosedama Otedama

5 How to Play (Nagedama) 2 3 1 4 5 6 Catch the bag with the other hand
Throw bag into the air with one hand Make things harder by juggling with one hand Then increase the number of bag to two, three and then four Repeat until you become good at it Quickly toss it back to the throwing hand Catch the bag with the other hand 2 3 1 4 5 6

6 How to Play (Yosedama) 1 2 3 4 5 Followed with three bags
Then pick up two bags at a time before the first hits the ground Throw one bag in the air and pick up the second bag before the first hits the ground Followed with three bags Flip all the bags onto the back of the hand, then flip again back into palm. Number of otedama makes the points Make four on the ground for last move and then pick up all four at once 1 2 3 4 5

7 Comparison Otedama Batu Seremban Japanese traditional game
Have two different formations Have special otedama songs when playing Malay traditional game Only one formation Have no special songs


9 The successful children have a ‘strange behavior’.
HISTORY During WWII, German scientists conducted experiments on children in Hiroshima Orphanage to make them immortal. The successful children have a ‘strange behavior’. They used to play Kagome a lot during that time chanting a word Circle You Circle You. On the last day before the scientist went back home, the children approached him, smiling, asking him to play one last game of “Kagome Kagome.”

10 RULES As song finishes, oni need to guess who is behind them.
Required at least 6 people. One is represent as ‘oni’ or devil. Oni is placed in the middle with their eyes covered. Singing in circle the Kagome song. As song finishes, oni need to guess who is behind them. If it is correct, the oni will be exchanged and the song will play again.


12 COMPARISON - Japanese traditional games.
- The one in the middle is called oni/devil. - ‘Oni’ did not singing along. - Guess the one who is standing behind them. - Malay traditional games. - The one in the middle is called ‘Nenek Kebayan’. - ‘Nenek Kebayan’ sings too. - Guess the one who touched the ‘Nenek Kebayan’.

13 AYATORIあ やとり

14 No one known origin of the game.
History No one known origin of the game. Ancient art proves that all primitive societies had a version of string figures. Began in the Heian period and spread in the Edo period (from 1603 to 1867).

15 DESCRIPTION Popular among girls Either playing alone or in pairs
Using string tied together at both ends. Create shapes by manipulating string. Fingers, mouth or wrists. DESCRIPTION

16 develop cognitive and psychomotor skills
Fancy shapes foresee the future develop cognitive and psychomotor skills illustrate their tales To kill time!

17 HOW TO PLAY IN PAIRS ? The players alternately take the loop from each other Form a new pattern. Pattern changes from one to other player. The person who makes a mistake and ruins the intended shape loses.

18 Cat’s Cradle In Different Countries
Southern China Kang sok (Well rope) New Zealander he-whai huhi maui Korea Ssi-teu-ki (Woof-taking) France and Algeria (la scie) England and US cat’s cradle Germany Abheben (Taking-off) Faden-abheben (Taking-off strings) Fadenspiel (String game) Hexenspiel (Witch's game) Auf- und Abnehmen (Picking-up and taking-off)

19 AYATORI-HASHI BRIDGE "S" shape mimics the form of a dragon rising into the sky 80 meters in length Crosses the Daishoji Rver in Yamanaka Onsen. Designed by Hiroshi Teshigahara, a Japanese film maker

20 International String Figure Association
Gathering, preserving, and distributing string figure knowledge. Founded in Japan in 1978 by mathematician Dr Hiroshi Noguchi and Anglican missionary Philip Noble. Bulletin of the International String Figure Association (ISSN ) annually, ISFA News semi-annually, and String Figure Magazine quarterly (ISSN )

21 Doraemon Movie: Nobita's Space Heroes

22 FUKUWARAI ふくわらい

23 Japanese game Fukuwarai roughly mean lucky laugh New Year’s Blindfold Game It’s usually play on New Year’s Day (Shogatsu) Traditionally the game was played using a funny-looking woman with a round face, but over the years, many different facial styles have evolved

24 PREPARATION Blindfold Large outline of a face Large cutouts of eyes
Eyebrows Nose Mouth

25 How to play? First player putting on the blindfold.
The other players hand him/her the cutout. First player tries to place that cutout in the correct place on the face. After finished placing all the cutouts, removes the blindfold to see the results. Usually very funny!!!

26 comparison FUKUWARAI PIN THE TAIL ON DONKEY Japanese game
American game Common play on New Year’s Day Common at birthday parties and other gatherings No need to spin Spun around until he or she is disoriented The player tries to place that cutout by the other’s help of instruction The player gropes around and tries to pin the tail on the donkey

27 original after


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