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Action Items – Status Update

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1 Action Items – Status Update
June 20, 2017

2 Standing Items – Collective Work stream Updates
Chairs for all Work streams identified Eligibility: Janene Taylor, TransCanada Market Mechanics: Kris Atkosomitis, Power Advisory Energy & Ancillary: Matt Davis, ATCO Adequacy & Demand Curve: Marcy Cochlan, Transalta Procurement & Hedging: Richard Penn, IPPCA Collective Work stream Plan – up to SAM 2.0 Distributed by EOD JUNE 20

3 Action Item: Updates to Terms of Reference
Working group participation To better ensure efficient group discussions and effective member participation, members will be required to attend all meetings in person. After July 31, remote attendance (e.g. webinar, dial-in) will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances and requests must be made to the Chair at least two weeks in advance. Members may have a named delegate attend on their behalf up to a maximum of six sessions (beyond this, the Chair/Vice Chair will apply discretion for extenuating circumstances and throughout the schedule) All stream materials will be sent to members only; members are responsible forwarding materials and session invitations to their respective delegates Attendance will be taken at every session to ensure compliance and integrity of process outlined above

4 Action Item: Updates to Terms of Reference (continued)
Distribution of Materials As per section 7 in the TOR, the following artifacts will be posted after each session: Session summaries, including any findings and conclusions and materials presented in each session unless such materials are deemed confidential All discussion materials should be free of corporate or organizational branding Members may also submit material through the AESO Note: All items above will be reflected through an addendum to the TOR  

5 Action Items from Eligibility: Workgroup Session 1
# Action Items / Next Steps Action by Due date Update 1 Send WG members instructions to vote on the WG Chair Jasmine 6/8 Complete 2 Submit votes for WG Chair All WG Members 6/9 3 Soft copy of KDEs, questions, and sub-questions sent to the WG members Kevin 4 Send WG members a proposed prioritization of discussion topics for the sessions between now and the development of SAM 2.0 5 Provide comments and recommended changes to KDEs, questions, sub- questions, and priority to Kevin and Chair (TBC) All WG members 6/13 6 Review SAM starting points and be prepared to discuss at next working meeting 6/20 Scheduled 7 Chair, Vice-Chair, Facilitator meet to prepare and finalize agenda for workshop 2 Chair, Kevin Jordan 8 Develop and circulate a contact list of the WG members, their contact details, and the companies / associations they are representing. 6/15 June 20 9 Confirm governance processes, roles, and responsibilities. Inclusive of: Executive Advisory council, Agency engagement; DOE and policy – directional alignment; interdependency management; consensus and decision making model; scope change management; broad industry quarterly updates; chair engagement outside of workgroup session. TBD – 7/31 In progress

6 Action Items from Workgroup Session 1 – General
# Action Items / Next Steps Action by: Due date: Update 1 Engagement calendar view of all streams up to SAM 2.0  Jasmine 6/20 2 Engagement calendar for end of year 3 Visitor badges – possibility of making less time consuming In progress 4 Shared site for material 5 Term sheets. Provide examples. AESO rulebook: will term sheets be cross referenced with current AESO rulebook? Could identify which sections of the AESO rulebook are impacted with each term sheet so that the rule doesn’t look materially different from the term sheet. TBD 6 Education sessions request To be scheduled as required

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