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Making Sense of Sense Introduction & Phase 1 August, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Sense of Sense Introduction & Phase 1 August, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Sense of Sense Introduction & Phase 1 August, 2017

2 Sense ~ What is it? Sense is an engagement platform designed especially for the staffing/recruiting industry. Sense allows us to send automated s, surveys (and eventually texts) to our consultants to help you stay connected to them throughout the engagement and relationship.

3 Sense ~ Why? Redeploying consultants is more cost-effective than always bringing in new people Our goal is to engage our existing consultants more regularly and improve our (your) redeployment numbers.

4 The Sense Tab in Bullhorn

5 The number of messages received by this candidate
The Sense tab The number of messages received by this candidate Upcoming messages Our NPS Score Candidate’s address NPS Survey details If you click on the Sense tab and see the message “You don’t have access to the Sense tab”, please let IT know by sending an to

6 Net Promoter Score What is NPS?
NPS is an index that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. It is used to gauge the customer’s overall satisfaction with our service and the customer’s loyalty to the Vaco brand.

7 How likely are you to recommend Vaco to a friend or colleague?
On a scale of 1-10… How likely are you to recommend Vaco to a friend or colleague? 9-10 = Promoter. This person is a happy, loyal Vaco customer. Yay! 7-8 = Passive. Satisfied, but somewhat indifferent. Could be swayed to work with someone else. 0-6 = Detractor. Unhappy customer who can hurt our brand through negative word-of-mouth.

8 Survey Follow-Up Questions
If answer is 9 or higher: Do you have any referrals? If so, please enter them here and a recruiter will reach out to connect if there’s a good fit. If answer is 8 or lower: Thank you for your feedback. What was the main reason behind your answer, and what can we do to improve?

9 Identify the Candidate Manager on the Placement
All survey responses are ed to Candidate Manager for Sense All bouncebacks are sent to Candidate Manager for Sense Candidate Manager for Sense s is a required field on the Placement. When one is placed – on any type of assignment (contract, CTH, direct, etc.), the person approving the placement must assign a Candidate Manager for the purposes of all future Sense communication.

10 Candidate Manager for Sense Field
The Candidate Manager field was created specifically for Sense communications. When a candidate receives a message via Sense, it will appear to be from the person in the Candidate Manager for Sense field (not the Candidate Owner and not the Vaco Rep). This field is managed on the Placement record – not on the Candidate record.

11 The Workflows (Phase I)
Event Audience From Dependency Conditions Schedule Welcome to Vaco message from Jerry W2 Consultants (and DHs) Jerry Bostelman Placement in Approved Status Start Date = tomorrow (aka Start Date -1) 9 am CST, 1 day before the Start Date 45-Day Check-In (with NPS Survey) Candidate Manager for Sense Start Date + 45 days 9 am CST, 45 days after Start Date Reoccurs every 90 days thereafter Birthday Message Candidates & W2 Consultants Placement in Approved Status + Birth date entered in the Tax Info tab in BH. (Not the Edit tab.) Birth Date = today 9 am CST on birth date For those who enter & approve placements late, there is a 60-hr Grace Period on the Welcome message. (Example if a start was yesterday, consultant should’ve received a message the day before. But if the placement wasn’t in approved status at that time, they wouldn’t have been included. Today it’s finally approved…since we are w/in the 60 hour grace period, consultant will still be welcomed by Jerry.) * 1099 & C2C Consultants are not included

12 Welcome Message(s) Consultants Direct Hires
Hi <nickname>, Congratulations on your new role at Vaco! Whether this is your first engagement or your fortieth, we are so grateful you are here. Support and guidance for achieving all of your career goals is our promise, so we’ll be checking in periodically to hear about how things are going. Tallyho! Jerry Bostelman CEO and Founder Hi <nickname>, Congratulations on your new role at <company>! Forget the foot in the door, we believe in a grander entrance! Support and guidance for achieving all of your career goals is our promise, so we’ll be checking in periodically to hear about how things are going. Tallyho! Jerry Bostelman CEO and Founder For those who enter & approve placements late, there is a 60-hr Grace Period on the Welcome message. (Example if a start was yesterday, consultant should’ve received a message the day before. But if the placement wasn’t in approved status at that time, they wouldn’t have been included. Today it’s finally approved…since we are w/in the 60 hour grace period, consultant will still be welcomed by Jerry.)

13 Birthday Message To: Nickname
(if Nickname field is blank, then uses the First Name) From: the Candidate Manager for Sense Even easier to read on a mobile device! Sent at 9 am CST on birth date Candidate Manager for Sense is managed on the PLACEMENT – not on the candidate – record.

14 Sense is Not Optional It’s just good sense
The three Workflows in Phase 1 are not optional. Future Phases may include optional workflows. By default, all candidates are opted in to all. To opt your candidates out of optional workflows, follow these easy steps: Candidate Record Edit tab Sense Optional Workflows? Change to No Click Save Remember: You cannot opt a candidate out of required workflows; only optional ones. Opting out of optional workflows is only recommend for Producers who are fiercely on top of their staying-in-touch game. There is no Opt Out from the Consultant’s point of view. Because these are not considered “mass s”.

15 The Sense Application Save this in your favorites Anchors & Executive Partners will be able to login to a read-only version of the Sense application to view analytics Anchors: Your view will be filtered for your office only Executive Partners: Your view will be filtered to show only the branches you work with Workflows will be managed by Marketing

16 The Sense Application - Dashboard

17 The Sense Application Analytics > Overall Metrics
Filter down on any delivery metric to view recipients who match, as well as a graph over time The list below the graph displays the audience/recipients

18 The Sense Application Analytics > Overall Metrics > Bounced
Best Practice: Login to Sense weekly and review your Bounced events. Export the list to a CSV and it to your OM to review the records in Bullhorn. Goal: Confirm that the Candidate Managers are heeding the notifications and cleaning up their records. The Candidate Manager for Sense does not appear on this screen, but it will appear on the exported CSV for easy follow-up.

19 The Sense Application Analytics > Responses > Event Responses
Filter by Client Get a good understanding of consultant experience by Client Filter by time frame Last X days or specify a date range Download to a CSV to review later, to the team, etc. Review scores and comments right on screen The Candidate Manager for Sense does not appear on this screen, but it will appear on the downloaded CSV for easy follow-up.

20 The Sense Application Schedule
To see what’s up next for whom, go to the Schedule page. Mouse over an event on a particular date to see who is scheduled to receive that workflow message. As we add phases, you will be able to filter this view by the workflow names along the top. This example view is for ALL branches. Your view will be filtered to show only your branch.

21 Candidate Manager has to Manage
Sense does the bulk of the work, but the Candidate Manager has to Manage All survey responses are ed to Candidate Manager for Sense All bouncebacks are ed to Candidate Manager for Sense The Candidate Manager is responsible for taking the appropriate action

22 Additional Questions?
Sense-sational! August, 2017

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