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Slideshows, animations, cartoons

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Presentation on theme: "Slideshows, animations, cartoons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slideshows, animations, cartoons

2 Animations Do you ever get your students to create animated videos? What tools do you use?

3 Dvolver - Moviemaker Dvolver Dvolver Video Tutorial

4 PowToon PowToon PowToon Tutorial

5 Share your ideas How could Dvolver be incorporated into your lessons?

6 Comic Strips Do you ever get your students to create comic strips? What tools/sites do you use?

7 Bitstrips - Comics MakeBeliefsComix MakeBeliefsComix Tutorial

8 ToonDoo - Comics ToonDoo ToonDoo Tutorial

9 Share your ideas How can MakeBeliefsComis and ToonDoo be used in a meaningful way in the classroom/for learning?

10 Combining video and photos
Have you ever combined video and photos together? How did you do it?

11 Kizoa Kizoa Kizoa video tutorial

12 Share your ideas How can Kizoa be used meaningfully in your context?

13 Other bits Animoto Animoto video tutorial

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