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What makes a computer a computer?

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1 What makes a computer a computer?
Computer- it is an electronic device that receives data(input),processes data, stores data, and produces a result (output). Receives date: all information is entered into the computers Processes data: the computer will change the data from what we entered into what we want the results to be Stores data: the information is stored in the computer’s memory Produces a result: we will see a final display of the information

2 Continue Analog computer- measures data on a scale with many values
Continue Analog computer- measures data on a scale with many values. Digital computer work with data that has a fixed value.

3 Basically it performs only 3 operations
Arithmetic operations (adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying) Logical comparison of values(greater to, than) Storage of data and retrieval operation

4 How computers are used today?
Computers in the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970s were large and limited in what they could do. They were temperature sensitive and difficult to repair. Only large companies and government organizations could afford them and few visionary people like Steve Jobs Bill Gates Seen a future for small home computers

5 Why are they popular? Perform these functions very quickly
Produce accurate and reliable results Store large amounts of data Provide versatility in various applications Provide cost-effective applications. Are becoming more powerful and useful Desktop and laptops are the most popular type of computer in use today

6 Technology for every day life
The home computer are called personal computers(PC) because they were designed to be used by one person at a time. They have changed the way: we get news and information we shop for different products we do homework we make reservations for travel

7 Types of computers Supercomputer are the largest and fastest computer. These are used by government agencies and large corporations with tremendous volume of data to be processed. Mainframe computers are smaller and less powerful than supercomputer, but they are still large compared to the personal computer we are used to seeing everyday Minicomputer are larger than personal microcomputer and basically have the same capabilities. Microcomputers, called personal computer or desktop, is the type of computer used at home or at the office by one person Notebook computer or laptop computer has the same capabilities as the desktop computer

8 Other Computing Devices
Microprocessors computer chips that perform specific functions , all around your house: in the dishwasher and refrigerator in your kitchen CD player/clock radio DVD player the engine of your automobile in your garage

9 Computer Systems Computer system consist of 4 parts
Hardware is the ,physical equipment that can be seen and touched(keyboard, processor, monitor) Software is the intangible set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. Data is the new facts entered into the computer to be processed(text, numbers, sounds and images)

10 Computer Networks Data communications the technology that enables computers to communicate , is defined as the transmission of text, numeric, voice, or video data from one machine to another. Sender: the computer that is sending the message Receiver: the computer receiving the message Channel: the media that carries or transports the message Protocol: the rules that govern the orderly transfer of the data sent.

11 Networks Local area network (LAN) Wide area network (WANs)
The internet It was originally developed for the government to enable researchers around the world to be able to share. The commonly used feature in the internet is electronic mail, better known .

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