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Two Friends September 30.

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1 Two Friends September 30

2 Warm-Up Good Afternoon Grab textbook and notebooks
Be seated before the bell (Daily Points) 4. List 10 Things You Value Most in a Friendship

3 Discuss Discuss with your group this question and write a response: Why do some friendships last while others do not?

4 Unit 2 Reading Guide Title and Pages Characters Setting Point of View
Plot Main Idea  Cranes p  Songsam Tokchae 38th parallel  3rd Person Omniscient  Two Friends are on opposite sides of the war. Songsam takes his friend into custody Thinks back to their experiences Sets Friend Free  True friendship is stronger than our political allegiances  The Kite Runner  P Amir Hassan  Kabul, Afghanistan   1st Person Amir reflects on Hassan’s talent as a kite runner and a friend Our friends can make up for our own difficulties  Two Friends P Morissot Sauvage  Paris, France 

5 Today’s Selection Text: Two Friends, Page 95 Author: Guy de Maupassant Context: Story of two men trying to lead normal lives in Paris while their country is at war

6 Our Purpose for Reading
Examining a text for evidence of irony and the mood of the selection

7 Mood Mood – how the text affects the reader’s feelings and emotions Example: a story with bright imagery, cool places, and funny dialogue would make a reader possibly feel happy, joyous, amused What might a story with creepy noises, dark places, and an unpleasant environment make a reader feel?

8 Irony 3 Types Dramatic Irony Situational Irony Verbal Irony

9 Irony Dramatic Irony- The audience knows something a character doesn’t For example: Skeeter talks smack about Roger. Roger is listening from another room. We know Roger is doing this… but Skeeter does not… Uh oh.

10 Irony Situational Irony – What we expect to happen does not For example: Skeeter knows Roger always eats at Burger King Skeeter decides to go to Five Guys instead Skeeter walks in to see Roger at Five Guys… oh great

11 Irony Verbal Irony – Someone says the opposite of what they mean For example: Skeeter steps in dog poo after being dumped by his girlfriend who left him for Roger Skeeter says “this is the best day of my life”

12 Discuss Discuss with your group When have you taken a risk to do something that you truly wanted to do? Was it worth the risk?

13 We Practice Two Friends Page 95 Paragraph 1 As we read – Write down any clues to the mood of paragraph 1

14 Sequence Map Using images and captions to mark major events as you read Paris is under siege from war And famine. Two friends go fishing in a warzone

15 On Your Own Read Page 97 When finished, complete the following:
What words or phrases were new to you? Summarize what happened on page 97 in your own word

16 On Your Own Read Page 98 When finished, complete the following:
Look back at the paragraph describing the Prussians - Describe the mood and write two details why you believe this is so. What is Morissot’s solution if they are caught by the Prussians?

17 On Your Own Read Page 99 When finished, answer the following:
What sounds are heard from Mont Valerien? What could these sounds possibly foreshadow or hint to us about what’s coming? What mood do these sounds and images provoke?

18 Finish the Story Page 99 What sounds are heard from Mont Valerian?
What mood is caused by these descriptions? Page 101 What images do we see when the Prussians punish our two friends? What mood does this convey? Page 102 What was ironic about the fish?

19 Exit Based on what you’ve read this week: Does having valuable relationships enable a person to handle difficulties or challenges? Use two examples from any of the texts to support your view.

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