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The fuel system Engine HFO MDO

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1 The fuel system Engine HFO MDO

2 Types of fuels Diesel engines consume Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO),
Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) or Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO). Engine Fuel pumps S

3 Types of fuels HFO MDO IFO
Heavy Fuel Oil is a residual oil that can be made more suitable for driving Diesel engines by adding certain flammable substances. HFO Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) is a high-grade fuel of low viscosity. MDO Modern Diesel engines are run on Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO), a fuel whose grade lies between that of HFO and MDO. IFO

4 HFO From the Heavy Fuel Oil bunkertank
the preheated fuel is led to the settling tank. Engine Fuel pumps Settling tank

5 HFO In the settling tank water and impurities are separated from the fuel and drained off. Engine Fuel pumps Settling tank Drain valve s

6 HFO From the settling tank the fuel is led through a
heater to preheat the fuel. Engine Fuel pumps

7 HFO From the heater the fuel is led through a separator (purifier / clarifier) to purify the fuel. Engine Fuel pumps

8 HFO From the separator the fuel enters the daily service tank for HFO.
Engine Fuel pumps sound

9 HFO There are two daily service tanks, so that one tank may be used while the other is being filled. Engine Fuel pumps Daily service tank Daily service tank sound

10 HFO From the daily service tank the fuel is pumped to a heater by the low pressure fuel pump (or “booster pump”). Engine Fuel pumps s

11 HFO From the heater the HFO is passed through a viscosity regulator .
Engine Fuel pumps

12 HFO From the viscosity regulator the fuel is passed through a fuel strainer , which filters the fuel. Engine Fuel pumps

13 HFO From the fuel strainer the oil is led to the fuel pumps in the engine. Engine Fuel pumps sound

14 Marine Diesel Oil Engine Fuel pumps

15 MDO After the DO has been pumped up from the bunkertank, the fuel passes through a purifier . Engine Fuel pumps

16 From the purifier the DO enters the
MDO From the purifier the DO enters the DO storage tank. Engine Fuel pumps s

17 MDO From the DO service tank the fuel is led to the high-pressure fuel pumps in the engine. Engine Fuel pumps s

18 A mixing tank is used for a gradual transition from HFO to DO.
Engine Fuel pumps sound Mixing tank

19 The mixing tank, or “buffer tank”, can hold a quantity of fuel which will be circulated and led to the engine. Engine Fuel pumps Buffer tank (Circulating tank) sound

20 The hot fuel fumes can escape throughthe air vent in the mixing tank.
Engine Fuel pumps s Air vent


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