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Field Educator Orientation Fall 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Field Educator Orientation Fall 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Educator Orientation Fall 2017
BSW and MSW Advanced Level University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

2 Welcome and Introductions
Welcome--Dr. Giesler Introduction of faculty Introductions Name and Agency Number of students placed at your agency BSW or MSW student Accreditation and curriculum updates from Dr. Giesler

3 Field Faculty BSW Field Instructors Cornelia Gordon Hempe
Colleen Hansen Amy Williams 46 BSW level students MSW Field Instructor Mary Weeden James Power 27 Advanced level MSW students

4 Program and Field Roles
Dr. Fredi Giesler, MSW Program Director Colleen Hansen, BSW Program Director Amy Williams, BSW Field Coordinator Carol Collien, MSW Field Coordinator Field Committee: comprised of Social Work faculty and instructors who teach field sections.

5 Ethics and Boundaries Ethical Issues Surrounding Vicarious Trauma
in the Field Internships Presented by Dr. Mary Weeden Colleen will introduce Mary

6 Break 10:30-10:45 10:45 Tk20 training with Renee Pasewald
followed by: Field Supervisor Orientation Starting with Tk20 training to be sure that we have enough time.

7 TK20 Intro The best laid plans….
Our apologies but the technology is not cooperating. Fredi will explain

8 Placement Processes 101 Agency query and student application to field
NASW liability insurance Castle Branch background check Students prepare resumes Agency interviews

9 What happens at the interview?
Professional demeanor and actions Clarify roles and expectations Determine days and hours at placement Overall, is it a good match? Roles and expectations: both parties Agencies can decline

10 Placement Processes 101 (cont.)
Upon successful interview: Field Placement Agreement (FPA) Forms (student) Program Memorandum (SW Department) Field Instructor Resume (Field Instructor) Agency Description (Field Instructor) Affiliation Agreement (University)

11 Placement Hours BSW (2)14 week semester 210 hrs. fall 210 hrs. spring
420 hours total 15 hours/week MSW (2)17 weeks 250 hrs. fall/interim 250 hrs. spring/interim 500 hours total 14.7 hours/week semester and the interim semester is 17 weeks

12 Roles within the Field Program
Agency Field Educator/Supervisor Faculty Field Liaison/Instructor BSW and MSW Field Coordinators

13 Agency Field Educator/Supervisor
Provide practicum experience that assists in meeting student learning needs Assist in development of activities and tasks with student and field liaison. Provide regularly scheduled, educationally sound formal social work supervision of the student Orient the student to agency and provide resources to engage in the field activities Communicate progress of students throughout the placement End of semester and placement evaluations related to competencies

14 Faculty Field Liaison/Instructor
BSW and MSW – teach the field seminar course Assist students to integrate classroom knowledge and fieldwork experience Meet with Student and Field Agency Educator to facilitate learning and evaluation At least one agency visit per semester

15 Field Coordinator Develop and maintain field sites
Develop contractual agreements with agencies, field instructors and students Train new and existing field educators Work with students and agencies in the placement process Resolve unexpected difficulties that arise while students are in field, conflicts or issues with placement Review and revise Field Manual First work with Faculty Field Liaison/instructor to resolve. Involve Field Coordinator as needed. At times may be primary.

16 Packet & Supporting Materials
UW Oshkosh Academic Calendar (folder) Sample Field Seminar Syllabus (online) Orientation Powerpoint (folder) Competency Rubrics (folder) Link to Sample Field Seminar Syllabus (SW 401): Academic calendar:

17 Understanding competency based social work
CSWE 2015 EPAS 9 Competencies All Behavior Indicators All Competencies and Behavior Indicators are assessed in field EPAS Education Policy and Accreditation Standards--moving to 9 competencies “and behavior indicators”

18 The Student Learning Contract (SLC)
What is the student’s responsibility? What role do I have in helping the student write the SLC? Student logs--procedure in Tk20 Student develops the contract--understanding the opportunities in the agency Field Supervisor--help student understand what’s going on at the agency so they can align the tasks to the competencies

19 Competency Rubric Handouts: BSW and MSW Foundation Competency Rubric
MSW Advanced Competency Rubric Fredi will explain

20 Evaluative Instruments
BSW and MSW The Tk20 evaluation tool is filled out electronically. The evaluation is completed by the student, the Field Educator and the Faculty Field Liaison at the end of each semester. The link will be sent prior to the visit. The student and Agency Field Supervisor will meet to discuss evaluation prior to end of semester meeting. The Field Faculty Liaison fills it out after the meeting. The Field Faculty Liaison determines the final grade. Link to MSW Advanced Evaluation: Link to BSW Evaluation:

21 FAQ’s Is it okay for students to complete hours outside of the academic calendar? How often should I be meeting with the student for supervision? What does ongoing student development look like? MSW includes hours over interim Weekly meetings on average,not necessarily a formal appt. Invite faculty to speak to development

22 Q & A and meet with Instructors
Supervision, breaks, calendar, roles, competencies, evaluation, forms, the website, other??? Meet with the respective Field Educators.

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