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Published byOctavia Hampton Modified over 6 years ago
Greedy method Idea: sequential choices that are locally optimum combine to form a globally optimum solution. The choices should be both feasible and irrevocable. Giving change: we want to return the smallest number of coins. The greedy algorithm (always giving the largest coin that fits) works for any denominations in a fixed ratio c ≥ 2 to one another: c0, c1, …, ck. Note: also works for integral ratios (mixed radix). Delayed gratification (marshmallow test)
Minimum Spanning Trees
Given: a connected simple graph with weighted edges Find: minimum weight subgraph connecting all nodes Clearly, T must be acyclic and hence a spanning tree. Input: G = V, E with w: E → R+ a weight function. Output: T E connects all vertices, w(T) is minimal. 6 c a 1 4 2 d b 3
Generic Approach to MST
Invariant: grow a set of edges A that is always within an MST A ← Ø ► invariant trivially satisfied while A does not span V ► until it covers the graph find a “safe” edge (u, v) for A ► chose to satisfy invariant A ← A {(u, v)} ► grow the set of edges return A ► correctness by invariant Analysis: An edge in (3) must always exist. Since (5) has |V| − 1 edges, the loop must be executed O(V) times. Motivation: An edge (u, v) is safe for A if it makes A {(u, v)} also a subset of some MST. 9.1
Prim’s algorithm Idea: start with any one vertex tree; augment it by the edge to a ‘nearest’ vertex not in the tree. T ← ‹{v}, Ø› ► initial tree for i = 1 to |V| - 1 do ► all remaining vertices pick a minimum weight edge e = ‹v, u› leaving T T ← T + ‹{u}, e› ► add it to the tree N.b. need a data structure to keep track of the edges leaving T (use a min-heap priority queue).
Example Fig. 9.2
Show: Each T remains a subset of some MST, M.
Correctness Show: Each T remains a subset of some MST, M. Proof: Trivially true for T0. Suppose Ti = Ti-1 + ei is not part of any MST, where ei is the minimum weight edge leaving Ti-1. By IH, Ti-1 M, a MST, so there must be another edge e in M extending Ti-1. But replacing e by ei yields a spanning tree no heavier, a contradiction. From p. 312 note that e exists by virtue of M spanning the graph, and adding it forms a cycle remove e Ti-1 add ei
Kruskal’s Algorithm Idea: start with forest of all nodes and no edges, incrementally joining them by the shortest edge that doesn't create a cycle. F ← ‹V, Ø› ► a forest of one node trees for each ‹v, u› in E do ► smallest to largest weight if F + ‹v, u› is acyclic ► i.e. if Find(u) ≠ Find(v) then F ← F + ‹v, u› ► add it, using Union(u, v) Requires disjoint set union/find Redo figure so that vertices are in the same arrangement in each snapshot
Example Fig. 9.4
Show: Each F remains a subset of some MST T.
Correctness Show: Each F remains a subset of some MST T. Proof: Trivially true for F0. Suppose Fi-1 is contained in some MST T, and that Fi is not contained in any MST. So the minimum weight edge ei added to Fi-1 creates a cycle in T. Since Fi-1 is contained in T, there must be another edge e in T extending Fi-1. But replacing e by ei yields a spanning tree no heavier, a contradiction. From solution. The figure should be redrawn with a key
Activity Selection Problem: Given a set S = {[s1, f1), …, [sn, fn)}, find a maximal cardinality subset of disjoint intervals. Idea: Think of S as a set of proposed activities, with start time si and finish time fi, all competing for one resource (such as a lecture hall). We are trying the schedule the greatest number of activities. Solution: Order the finish times: f1 ≤ … ≤ fn. Choose the first activity, and select subsequent activities in order, provided they don’t conflict with those activities already chosen (i.e. the last one). This is greedy because the next activity chosen is the first compatible one. Problem #4 in 9.1 (Compatible intervals)
si fi 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The operation of Greedy-Activity-Selector on 11 activities given at the left. Each row of the figure corresponds to an iteration of the for loop in lines If the starting time si of activity i occurs before then finishing time fi of the most recently selected activity, it is rejected. Otherwise it is accepted and put into set A. CLR p. 331 time
Correctness (beginning)
Claim: There is an optimal solution A S (where |A| is maximal) containing the first activity (ordered by finish time). Proof: Let k be the minimum index such that [sk, fk) is in A. If k = 1 we are done. Otherwise, let B = [A − {[sk, fk)} + {[s1, f1)}. Since f1 ≤ fk, B is also an optimal solution, with |B| = |A|. So the greedy algorithm makes a correct first choice. It remains to show that the rest of its choices are correct – by induction.
Correctness (conclusion)
We want to show there is an optimal solution containing the first (i + 1) greedy choices. So, assume by IH that A S contains the first i greedy choices, call them G. Let A′ = A − G, and let S′ = {[sj, fj) S: sj ≥ fg}, where g is the last index in G. The claim applied to A′ S′ yields an equal size B′ containing the first element of S′ (the (i + 1)st greedy choice). Now B = G B′ is an optimal solution of S which contains the first (i + 1) greedy choices.
Disjoint Set Union-Find
A dynamically combinable equivalence relation. E.g. network connectivity which is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Find is a function a [a] returning a unique representative. Union is the operation [a] [b] = [a, b] joining [a] and [b]. Observations: the names of elements are irrelevant, and the names of the equivalence classes are arbitrary. Application: Use find to test a ~ b: Find(a) = Find(b) Use union to join a and b: Union(Find(a), Find(b)) Ch. 8 of Weiss, p. 314 current book, best overall treatment in Reingold p. 58
Approaches The elements 1, …, n are indices into an array containing names of equivalence classes. Find is θ(1) lookup, but Union involves scanning the array to change names, θ(n). A sequence of n − 1 unions (maximum possible) would be θ(n2). To save time, the classes could be stored as lists instead. But worst-case for updating classes is still θ(n2). If we also keep track of the lengths of the lists, and always update the smaller list, then the total time for n − 1 merges is θ(n log n), since each element has its class changed at most log n times (the class size at least doubles with each change). for class discussion, find is O(1) always
More approaches (this time to make Union O(1)).
Use a tree to represent each class, the root giving the name. all edges are directed toward the root. A Find simply travels up the tree until it hits a root. A Union simply causes the root of one tree to point to the other. Since it is possible to create a tree of depth n, it still could take θ(n2) for a sequence of n Union-Finds. Tricks: Union by rank: shallow tree becomes subtree of deeper one. Break ties arbitrarily. Path compression: make each node on “find path” point to root.
Implementation FIND UNION
only uses parent pointers (p) and rank field (r) in arrays INIT x x y INITIALIZE ► every element is put into a set by itself for x ← 1 to n ► elements are just array indices p[x] ← x ► x is root of singleton class {x} r[x] ← 0 ► rank (height) is zero UNION(x, y) ► assumes x and y are class reps. (roots) if r[x] > r[y] then p[y] ← x else p[x] ← y if r[x] = r[y] then r[y] ← r[y] + 1 what is effect if [x] = [y], what about rank? FIND(x) ► returns [x] if p[x] ≠ x then p[x] ← FIND(p[x]) return p[x]
Single-source shortest-paths
Problem: In a non-negatively weighted directed or undirected graph, find the shortest paths from a single source vertex s to each of the other vertices v. Solution: Dijkstra’s algorithm Start with tree T1 consisting of one vertex, s = v0. Construct a series of T1, T2, … which expand one edge at a time, keeping track of shortest path d(v) from the source to each of the vertices in Ti. Find Ti+1 by adding a “fringe” edge (v, u) with the lowest d(v) + w(v, u). [This is the greedy step.] Terminate when all vertices are included.
Example Correctness: prove by induction on i that Ti contains the i closest vertices to the source, and that the tree path from s to each of them is a shortest path. Efficiency: O(|V|2) for adjacency matrix (unordered array for priority queue); O(|E|∙log |V|) for adjacency list (min-heap priority queue) 5 a b 6 1 4 2 3 7 c d e See solution to exercise 6
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