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Have an Attitude of Gratitude
Term 3 Wellbeing WALT: - Understand the meaning of gratitude
- Recognise things we are grateful for - Express gratitude to others WILF: - Identifying things that we are grateful for - showing gratitude in different ways Slide 2 Read WALT and WILF It is really important that the students understand that we are learning about two types of gratitude. Step 1: Students need to be able to recognise things we are grateful for Step 2: Students need to understand the importance of expressing gratitude to others.
What does gratitude mean?
What is gratitude?: THINK-PAIR-SHARE Hint: Gratitude comes from the word ‘grateful’ Slide 3 OPENING QUESTION: What is gratitude?: Think -Pair –Share Students use the hint: Gratitude comes from the word grateful. Regroup and discuss what the students came up with. Gratitude is being aware of things, people or actions that we appreciate and then expressing this appreciation in some way.
What is gratitude? Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. We can be grateful for kind and thoughtful acts shown by people. We can be grateful for the world we live in. Slide 4 Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. (Dictionary Definition) Teacher explains how we use gratitude. For example; We can be grateful for kind and thoughtful acts shown by people. It can be directed at the people surrounding us. They are the people that make us feel happy and safe. For e.g. We feel grateful that our parents care for us by making sure we have healthy food and clean clothes everyday. We feel grateful that our teachers take the time to prepare interesting, fun lessons that help us to learn new things. We can be grateful for the world we live in. Gratitude can also be directed at the environment surrounding us. For e.g. We feel grateful that our school has a large oval so we can play fun games like football and cricket. We feel grateful that the street we live in is a safe place to meet friends and play. We feel grateful that is a sunny day so I will make the most of it and plan an outdoor activity.
Why is feeling grateful and showing gratitude important?
All the latest research tells us that gratitude helps; make all of the SPECS of wellbeing stronger us to have stronger relationships us to feel happy and confident us to have helpful thoughts (optimistic) as opposed to unhelpful thoughts (pessimistic) helps us to recognise our own strengths and the strengths of others Slide 5 Teacher discusses the purpose of learning about the concept of gratitude. Gratitude helps us with all aspects of our wellbeing. Feeling grateful and using gratitude to show appreciation and thankfulness leads to a stronger wellbeing.
Feeling Grateful and Showing Gratitude
There are two kinds of gratitude. Feeling grateful - You recognise all the positive things in your life that make you happy. 2. Showing and expressing gratitude to others by: - showing appreciation - being generous - being thankful Slide 6 – The importance of feeling grateful and expressing gratitude 1. Feeling grateful (You recognise all the positive things in your life that make you happy. Feeling grateful also helps us to have a strong wellbeing. Feeling grateful is another excellent ingredient to add to our wellbeing pie. It helps with the SPECS from the wellbeing pie – the social, physical, emotional, spiritual and cognitive. 2. Showing and expressing gratitude to others can be achieved by: - showing appreciation (recognising, observing and complimenting the good work of others) - being generous (readiness in giving and doing what is helpful to others) - Thankfulness: feeling or expressing gratitude or appreciation – saying thank you
Have an Attitude of Gratitude
Watch the video clip While you are watching take note of the many different things that the Kid President is grateful for. Discussion: How does being grateful help Kid President’s Wellbeing? Slide 7 Watch the video on Kid President. Class Discussion: What is Kid President grateful for?. Some things are big and some are small, some are more important than others. How does feeling grateful help Kid president feel better/ happier on days that aren’t going so great? What does gratitude help him to realise? Kid President on Gratitude
Gratitude Discussion Discussion with a small group:
What are you grateful for? Why? Has anyone shown gratitude to you? How did it make you feel? What gratitude have you shown a family member or a friend? Slide 8 Discussion with a small group: What are you grateful for? Why? Has anyone shown gratitude to you? How did it make you feel? What gratitude have you shown a family member or a friend? How did it make them feel?
Feeling Grateful Gratitude is
Being aware of things, people or actions that we appreciate Read the following statements. Can you recognise examples of gratitude? True or False Telling someone how much they mean to you Donating toys to kids in need Not sharing your toys Writing your teacher a thank you note Giving food to those in need Stealing something Telling your parents you appreciate them Giving a gift to a friend Planting a vegetable garden and sharing the vegetables Acting greedy Yelling to get your way Slide 9 – Recognise examples of gratitude Gratitude is being aware of things, people or actions that we appreciate Read the following statements. Can you recognise examples of gratitude? Teacher reads the statements and the students decide whether they are true and false. Students are encouraged to justify their responses.
Expressing Gratitude Gratitude is also about expressing your appreciation in some way. Here are some examples of how we can express our gratitude towards others. Praising others Working together Showing good manners Respecting others Accepting differences Expressing thankfulness Resolving conflicts When you express appreciation and thankfulness to others, they will do it in return Slide 10 – Expressing Gratitude Gratitude is also about expressing your appreciation in some way. Here are some examples of how we can express our gratitude towards others. Praising others (telling someone they have done something well) Working together (appreciating the work of others and working as a team) Showing good manners ( saying thank you and greeting people) Respecting others (sharing, being kind and listening to others) Accepting differences (recognising that everyone is unique) Expressing thankfulness (picking up rubbish or planting a tree; looking after others; taking care of animals to show gratitude to pets) Resolving conflicts( showing empathy to all people involved, being grateful a solution has been met) When you express appreciation and thankfulness to others, they will do it return Teacher: Can you think of other ways we can show our appreciation to others? How will you practise the skill of gratitude?
Gratitude – Feeling Grateful
Slide 11 Class Activity: In groups the students will play the gratitude game. (See the corresponding slide on the PP). The teacher calls out a colour (in order or randomly). Each person in that group must name what they are grateful for and explain why. Repeat until the class has used each colour.
Class Gratitude Wall View the Gratitude poster
Choose 1 of the things that you are grateful for from the activity just completed. Help to make a gratitude display. Write down what you are most grateful for. Decorate with a picture. Your teacher will add this to your class gratitude wall. Play the “How Would You Feel Without It” game. Ask each other what they would feel like without various things in their life. You will be surprised how different life would be without some of the things you consider “normal” to have. Eg TV, technology food, friends, family, sunshine, holidays etc Slide 12: View the poster – HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Teacher: To help us remember about feeling grateful and expressing gratitude we are going to create a class gratitude wall. This poster will be on our wall to remind us to think about being grateful. Choose 1 of the things that you are grateful for from the activity just completed. Help to make a gratitude display. Write down what you are most grateful for. Decorate with a picture. Your teacher will add this to your class gratitude wall. (Pro forma provided) Play the “How Would You Feel Without It” game. Ask each other what they would feel like without various things in their life. You will be surprised how different life would be without some of the things you consider “normal” to have. Eg TV, technology food, friends, family, sunshine, holidays etc Teacher asks: Students to think about all the things they are grateful for and how they would feel if they didn’t have all those things?
SPECS Wellbeing Pie Remember what we have been learning about the pie. Every aspect of wellbeing is important to make us feel complete and well. What new ingredients would you add to your pie after today’s lesson? Slide 13 – How does practising gratitude fit into the wellbeing pie? THINK-PAIR-SHARE Which pieces of the pie do you think gratitude fits into best? Can you explain why? - Think about your own wellbeing? What new ingredients would you add to your pie after today’s lesson? How will this contribute to your own wellbeing? Which pieces of the pie do you think gratitude fits into best? Why?
Showing Gratitude in the playground
Slide 14 – How can we show gratitude in the playground? Think about our school Buddy Bench. How can we use the buddy bench to show gratitude? Class discussion. Example: You’re really happy with your group of friends and how you play together. To show your gratitude, you could sit on the buddy bench and if someone came to sit down with you, you could talk to them, share your friends and ask them to join your game. Can you imagine how great it would be if everyone at Oakhill Drive was happy all the time in the playground? We are all grateful to have friends. Sometimes our friends are away or don’t want to play with us and we feel alone. If you see someone sitting on the Buddy Bench alone, show how grateful you are to have friends and ask them to join your game. You can share your friends.
Showing Gratitude Project
Remember what we learnt today. Gratitude is all about; Feeling grateful Expressing our appreciation by being thankful Homework Project Each day take a moment to think about something you are grateful for. E.g. before bed, at dinner, on waking. Tell someone your grateful thought and think of a way to act on it. Slide 15 – The Gratitude Project for the class Remember what we learnt today. Gratitude is all about; Feeling grateful (helps us to feel happy about the people and things we have in our life that help us to develop a strong wellbeing) Expressing our appreciation by being thankful (makes our wellbeing even stronger as when you show gratitude to others you will feel happy and so will other people. This helps with your social and emotional wellbeing.) HOMEWORK Project Each day take a moment to think about something you are grateful for. E.g. before bed, at dinner, on waking. Tell someone your grateful thought and think of a way to act on it.
What will you do each day to feel grateful and show gratitude to others?
Watch this clip about the importance of gratitude and how it adds healthy and positive ingredients to your wellbeing pie. Gratitude = Happiness Slide 16 – How will you practise gratitude each day? Watch the slide. Finish with quoting ‘Gratitude is the best attitude’.
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