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Relative v. Absolute (Where are we?).

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Presentation on theme: "Relative v. Absolute (Where are we?)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relative v. Absolute (Where are we?)

2 Relative Location -Describing a location by using landmarks, directions, or distance from one location to another. Landmark-objects that mark a course or can be used as a guide We use relative location to find two things: Describe where something is located Describe how to get from one location to another location

3 A B C D E F G How could I make it easier to explain exactly where I want the students to touch inside the box?

4 Map Grid -a system of imaginary lines that divide up the space on a map or globe into smaller areas

5 Absolute Location -Finding the exact location on Earth or a map by using a map grid (longitude or latitude) or streets and addresses. Do you think we can find the absolute location of places with a map?





10 20° N 10° N 10° S 20° S Lines of Latitude -imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator and are measured north and south from the equator *Each line is given a number and letter based on its distance and direction from the equator

11 10° W 10° E 20° W 20° E Lines of Longitude -imaginary lines that run N and S to the poles and are measured east and west from the Prime Meridian *Each line is given a number and letter based on its distance and direction from the Prime Meridian

12 We use latitude and longitude lines on a map to help us identify absolute location.
We always start with latitude lines and then find longitude lines.


14 If I told you to go to 39°N and 104° W, would you be able to find it quickly?
Where would you be? -Brighton, Colorado What if I wanted to get you to an absolute location in Brighton? How could I do that? Humans have created street names and addresses to help describe absolute location. Absolute location of your house? Vikan Middle School? This classroom?

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