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South Ostrobothnia.

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1 South Ostrobothnia

2 Finland – the northernmost agricultural country in the world
(and the most rural country of the EU) Growing period days Cold climate and short summers => low yield levels (about ½ of Central Europe) Despite this, Finland is self sufficient in main food products and the quality is high - but the production costs are high, too

3 South Ostrobothnia 194 000 pers. / 14 000 km²
Share of agriculture and forestry: 12 % => Food Province of Finland Main economic pillars: Food (agriculture and processing) + Wood + Metal Region of entrepreneurship (especially SMEs) 17 municipalities The regional centre is Seinäjoki with more than inhabitants

4 Excellent location Good traffic connections
Attracts the newest inhabitants Most strongly growing centre 6th largest market area Within 2 hours’ driving distance for 900,000 people

5 We do have expertise in…
South Ostrobothnia = Region of Agriculture = Food Province of Finland We do have expertise in… Food Metal and technology Wood

6 …but we have expertise and know-how also in …
Agrotechnology RDI in Food Chain Consumer preferences and demand Food safety, quality and traceability

7 South Ostrobothnia is actively working for sustainable innovations in agriculture, food and forestry puts emphasis on the entire agro-food production chain, including nutrition and human well-being as a whole


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