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August 3rd 2014 Announcements.

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1 August 3rd 2014 Announcements

2 God willing St.Mary’s fast will start this coming Thursday August the 7th till Friday August 22nd.
We will have Tamgeed (veneration) every evening in the first week from 7 -7:30p.m…starts Thursday the 7th evening.

3 Liturgies Tuesday : 5 -7a.m Friday : 11a.m -1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m القداسات الثلاثاء : 5 – 7ص. الجمعة : 11ص -1ظ السبت: لا يوجد قداس الأحد : 8: :30 3

4 Bible Study meetings English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adult Bible study. Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:30 مساء إجتماع درس الكتاب العربي...(تكملة سفر أرميا) 4

5 Servants meeting No servants meeting today.

6 St. Abanoub church celebration for the feast of St
St.Abanoub church celebration for the feast of St.Abanoub will start tonight by the choir presentation and will be going on till Thursday morning…every day there will be Tamgeed and sermon by a visiting priest starts at 7:00p.m The schedule is posted on our church website.

7 The written exam for the elementary groups in Mahragan Elkeraza will be today right after the Liturgy downstairs at the Sunday classrooms. Special arrangements for the kids: the ones taking the exams will use the chapel classrooms while the rest will be combined for regular Sunday school in the other classrooms. The Arabic sermon will be here not downstairs.

8 العظة العربي: “ ’’ فِي الْكَلاَمِ كَرَامَةٌ وَهَوَانٌ، وَلِسَانُ الإِنْسَانِ تَهْلُكَتُهُ. سي 15:5

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