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New 5 yr Doctoral Level Program in Medical Physics proposed by Lynn Hatfield Goals of the Program To train highly qualified, properly credentialed, clinically.

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Presentation on theme: "New 5 yr Doctoral Level Program in Medical Physics proposed by Lynn Hatfield Goals of the Program To train highly qualified, properly credentialed, clinically."— Presentation transcript:

1 New 5 yr Doctoral Level Program in Medical Physics proposed by Lynn Hatfield
Goals of the Program To train highly qualified, properly credentialed, clinically oriented physicists who share knowledge with and can communicate and collaborate with their Radiation Oncology colleagues and are positioned to enhance the quality and continuity of patient care. To offer a degree that meets the needs of profession of Medical Physics in both academic and clinical training. Within the U.S., such a degree will be unique to TTU and TTU/HSC. To structure the existing Ph.D. in the Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, to include core courses in basic medical science that will provide the training and experience necessary for a specialty in Medical Physics. Year 1 First Year Medical School (TTUHSC) *Need Pre-Med. Clinically oriented Anatomy ,Biology of Cells and Tissues Structure and Function of Major Organ, Host Defense Year 2 Medical Physics Relevant Courses (TTU- Physics) Year 3 Course work PLUS residence-oriented training with rotation to other institutions Year 4 Year 5 Fellowship Program Plus ABR exams

2 ABR-Certification (Part 1)
ABR-Certification (Part 1) The first exams you will take are computer-based exams, collectively called the Part 1 Examination. Part 1 consists of a General and a Clinical exam. When you apply for Part 1 examination, you must present evidence that you meet all of the following requirements:   A bachelor's degree in physics or applied physics from an approved institution. (Other physical science or engineering degrees may be considered if the appropriate fundamental physics courses have been completed.)   A master's or doctoral degree from an approved institution (accredited by a regional accrediting body*) in medical physics, radiologic physics, physics, or other relevant physical science or engineering discipline**. An experimental master's or doctoral thesis with laboratory experience is preferred. Currently working in a clinical medical physics environment under the direction of a certified medical physicist. Documentation of this current employment must be provided

3 ABR-Certification (Part 2)
The next part of the examination process is again computer-based, and is called Part 2. You may elect to take 1, 2, or all 3 of the Part 2 exams. Each is specific to a particular area of qualification: diagnostic radiologic physics, therapeutic radiologic physics, or medical nuclear physics. To qualify for any Part 2 exam: A master's or doctorate degree from an approved institution (accredited by a regional accrediting body) in medical physics, radiologic physics, physics, or other relevant physical science or engineering discipline. At least 3 years (36 months) of full-time equivalent clinical experience in active association with an approved department, division, or practice in the area(s) in which certification is sought under the supervision/direction of a certified medical physicist. This requirement must be satisfied by June 30 of the year in which the Part 2 exam is to be taken. This credit can be acquired through: …(See next slide) * Your practical training and/or supervised experience in medical physics must be under the supervision/direction of a certified medical physicist. To be eligible for NRC recognized status (i.e. AMP or RSO), at least 24 months of the required 36 months of supervised clinical training must be under the direction of an ABR-certified radiologic physicist. No credit is given for experience gained as an undergraduate, nor for extracurricular experience gained before you completed your graduate degree.

4 ABR-Certification (Part 2) Credit
Activity Possible Credit Graduate study in a medical physics program which includes a clinical component *        Master’s level program that includes a clinical component * Up to 6 months        Doctoral level program that includes a clinical component * Up to 12 months Postgraduate clinical medical physics internship or residence * Full-time credit Postdoctoral clinical/research program * (Credit for clinical only, with preceptor’s confirmation of hours spent in clinical duties) Postgraduate employment in department, division, or practice providing clinical experience in the area(s) of radiologic physics in which you seek certification* Your program may be arranged through a department other than radiology or radiation oncology, but the work you perform must be in the area(s) of radiologic physics in which you seek certification. * Your practical training and/or supervised experience in medical physics must be under the supervision/direction of a certified medical physicist. To be eligible for NRC recognized status (i.e. AMP or RSO), at least 24 months of the required 36 months of supervised clinical training must be under the direction of an ABR-certified radiologic physicist. No credit is given for experience gained as an undergraduate, nor for extracurricular experience gained before you completed your graduate degree.


6 Summary of CAMPEP Accredited program
University Host Dept MS PhD Pre-requisite Course Requirements E. Carolina U Physics x (no Thesis) BS Physics *MP courses only Louisana U x UBC, Canada * MP courses PLUS Physics Core Courses McGill U, Canada U Calgary, Canada U Alberta, Canada * MP courses PLUS Graduate EM or QM2 U Florida Engineering BS-Physical Science *Doctoral program in Eng, Rad. Oncol or Radiology UCLA HSC *MP Courses only U Kentucky OKU UH-MD Anderson UT-SA UW-Madison x x Vanderbilt Wayne State

7 Important Issues (PhD in Medical Physics at TTU)
Degree (MS or PhD ?) New MS- Medical Physics internship or Part of our existing MSI (Pros and cons) … Another Faculty Meeting? Modify our PhD degree structure (See Below) 1. PhD program Pre-requisite 1st Yr Medical School (Necessary?) Physics Requirements BS with Pre-med courses – Target mostly Pre-Med students (Chem or Biology) BS without Pre-med courses (needs 1 extra yr of Pre-med) *** 1st yr Med School courses are not required by ABR certification 2. PhD Core Courses Physics core courses Medical Physics core courses only Mix of the above 3. PhD Qualifying Exam Conventional (CM, SM, QM and EM) New Qualifying Exam 4. Graduate Faculty TTU (Need new Physics Faculty in Medical Physics) TTUHSC (official commitments in course and degree development) 5. PhD Thesis or not Conventional hypothesis-driven Thesis Substitute thesis by Internship/report Substitute thesis by ABR exam ** Minimum Requirements for taking ABR certification are MS degree in Physics or medical Physics and 2 yrs of clinical training. Doctoral Degree is not required.

8 Current Status Meeting with Dr. Nair next week to discuss the Medical Physics graduate program Need to deal with the five special students who are taking the 1st yr medical school courses Need degree plan for the new MSI-Medical Physics Program

9 Faculty Affair Committee Recommendations
The pursuit of the TTU Professional PhD program in MP should be abandoned at this time. We should move forward with the development a new MSI-MP program. We will reconsider the possibility of creating a new PhD degree plan in MP if we develop a sufficient research and education infrastructure in the field, and the full participation of TTUHSC, UMC, and private health care industry related to MP.

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