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Augmented Reality.

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Presentation on theme: "Augmented Reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augmented Reality

2 Wearable Computing

3 Wearable Computing

4 Wearable Computing

5 Wearable Computing

6 Wearable Computing

7 Wearable Computing

8 Wearable Computing

9 Wearable Computing

10 Transportation - iDrive

11 Transportation - Driving

12 Transportation - Flying

13 Game Environments

14 Game Environments

15 Game Environments - Augmented Video

16 Game Environments - Augmented Video

17 Game Environments - Augmented Video

18 Studying - Reality Desk

19 Studying - Reality Room

20 Studying - Reality Wall

21 Activity – Design and Proposal
Split into groups of 4 or 5 and create a proposal for the design of a device that augments one of the following activities or an activity of your choice: Transportation Game Environments Studying Take advantage of wearable computing in your design. The last 15 minutes will be spent presenting the design that your group will propose. In your presentation, explain the following: What specific problem is being solved What is being augmented Why and how it is augmented Description of the design Provide any sketches that will make help the audience better understand your proposal.

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