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Promoting Knowledge Networking/Sharing with the use of ICTs ICRAF in South East Asia (and Philippines) ICRAF – International Center for Research in Agroforestry.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Knowledge Networking/Sharing with the use of ICTs ICRAF in South East Asia (and Philippines) ICRAF – International Center for Research in Agroforestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Knowledge Networking/Sharing with the use of ICTs ICRAF in South East Asia (and Philippines) ICRAF – International Center for Research in Agroforestry (now World Agroforestry Center) Innovations Project (Mar 2001 – Mar 2004)

2 BACKGROUND Innovations Project
Promote the development and adaptation of technical and institutional innovations in IFAD and ICRAF project areas in the Philippines and Southeast Asia Key Innovations Involved Soil conservation and fertility improvement upland farms Perennial tree crops in the farming systems Farmer led organizations Negotiation support systems (conflict resolution) for resource access Local level NRM planning and mobilization Agroforestry education

3 Key activities Support “Learning sites” Development advanced “pilot sites ‘for NRM practices Capacity building – training and info support for IFAD projects and partners Support to review and strengthening of NRM strategies (e.g. appraisal review)

4 1.Support to Farmer to farmer knowledge sharing
SOME CASES OF KNOWLEDGE SHARING PROCESS Collaborative actions with IFAD Projects and GO/NGO Partners (Principles first) 1.Support to Farmer to farmer knowledge sharing Among IP farmers in North Mindanao and bet IP farmers in North and Western Mindanao (e.g. farmer trainers using power point presentations etc) Farmer based extension system in Huang Su Phi Vietnam documented and shared with other groups

5 2.Indigenous knowledge documentation and utilization with IPR consideration (support to Lakewood WMCIP/IDF) Inter - generational knowledge sharing

6 3.Cordillera Agroforestry (A/F) Innovations Conference
R& D practitioners and farmer leaders in Cordillera share current A/F knowledge Agreements being piloted in CHARM learning sites (2 towns in Abra and Beguet) -- useful for next stage of projects Conference highlights >> in local magazine/extension form (vs technical proceedings) 4.Project Learnings Study in Cordillera Systematic study of gains and gaps in upland interventions and responses of IP communities in ancestral domain areas to be able to recommend guide for subsequent projects

7 Direct ICT Use 5.Fallows Network ( more discussion by UPLBFI /Demi)
Moderated E -discussion among 200 plus R & D practitioners and implementers E- Data base and newsletter 6.ICRAF SEA website 7. Publications etc 8.Sharing Innovations E – Newsletter

8 Other cases of ICT based work in Agriculture and NRM in the Philippines
Research and Development (R & D) Consortiums under the umbrella of the DOST e.g. PCARRDCaraga Consortium (Techno Pinoy etc) –

9 Notes : Knowledge sharing is quite central to our work .
To date, we are more involved in helping launch basic principles and processes for knowledge sharing The above processes can be potentially replicated in other IFAD projects One of the next steps is to put these processes in “ ICT “ form.

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