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Water conservation By:- Shweta M. Warang.

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Presentation on theme: "Water conservation By:- Shweta M. Warang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water conservation By:- Shweta M. Warang

2 Do we waste water? Do we think it’s free?
How it gets to us, those efforts we don’t see

3 In so many parts of the world you know.
There’s severe water shortage and crops don’t grow.

4 Their livestock dies too
and there’s famine around

5 While for you and i, precious water doen’t count
So let’s look at some things we can do every day with a little thought and effort, there’s so much we can save.


7 What is water conservation
Water conservation means protecting our water from pollution and being wasted. It is important because plants, humans and animals all need water to survive. Without water, the earth would have no life. Water conservation refers to redusing the usage of water and recycling of waste water for different purpose such as cleaning, manufacturing and agricultural irrigation

8 Why conserve water? Water is essential to life on earth. We need water to grow food, keep clean, provide power, control fire and last but not least we need it to stay alive! When you use water wisely, you save energy, you save the energy that your water supplier uses to treat and move water to you, and the energy your family uses to heat your water

9 Water conservation in Home

10 Importance of water conservation
With only 1% water available for human consumption, doesn’t it make sense that we should treat our water supply with more respect? water conservation should not be considered an option only longer. Current circumstances require our full attention if we hope to thrive as a civilization. Water conservation Facts and Tips


12 Last but not the least


14 Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!

15 Thakur Shyamnarayan college of Educatinal and Research (b.ed college)
Trailblazers Activity I am shweta warang. I was conducted Trailblazers Activity in my practise Teaching School. Myself and my one colleague Anju singh conducted “Multiplymessage” Trailblazers Activity in c.u. shah sarvjanik high school which located in kandiwali(e). In that school we conducted this activity in 8th std class. We get great response from the students. which i taken in video and this video i uploded on youtube. Thanks to “DOw” family. Whos giving me this apportunity to “Multiplythemessage” of water conservation.

16 References

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