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Branches of Oceanography

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1 Branches of Oceanography

2 5 PRINCIPLE OCEANS Earth can be divided into 5 principle oceans based on the shape of the ocean basins and the positions of the continents.

3 75% Earth covered by water
Interconnected global or world ocean Oceans contain 98% of surface water

4 Pacific Largest, deepest, least salty Atlantic Second largest, saltiest Indian Mainly in Southern Hemisphere Arctic Smallest, shallowest, ice-covered Antarctic or Southern Ocean Connects Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian South of about 50o S latitude

5 Seas Smaller and shallower than oceans Salt water
Usually enclosed by land Sargasso Sea defined by surrounding ocean currents The “Seven Seas” are actually the oceans North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic

6 Comparison of elevation and depth:
Average depth 3729 m (12,234 ft); about 2.5 miles Average elevation 840 m (2756 ft); about 1/2 mile Deepest part of the ocean Mariana Trench 11,022 m (36,161 ft); about 7 miles Highest mountain Mt. Everest 8850 m (29,935 ft); just under 5 miles

7 Fig. 1.3cd

8 Geological Oceanography
study the Earth at the edge and below the surface of the ocean history and processes that formed the ocean basins and their topography

9 Physical Oceanography
investigates how and why the water in the oceans move includes marine meteorology (study of heat transfer, water cycles, and air-sea interactions)

10 Chemical Oceanography
the study of the composition and history of seawater, its processes, and its interactions

11 Biological (Marine Biology)
study of marine organisms investigates the relationships between marine organisms, the environment, and the ocean

12 Engineering Oceanography
the discipline of designing and planning equipment for use in the sea

13 Environmental Oceanography
studies the effects of human activities on the ocean environment

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