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Types and Systems of Government

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1 Types and Systems of Government
SS.7.C.3.1 Compare different forms of government (direct democracy, representative democracy, socialism, communism, monarchy, oligarchy, autocracy). SS.7.C.3.2 Compare parliamentary, federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government

2 Vocabulary p Unitary Federal Confederation Parliamentary

3 Types v. Systems Type of government – who holds the power?
System of government – where is the power? how is power organized?

4 Types of Gov’t

5 Centers You will have 6 minutes to read about each type of government and answer the questions on your paper.

6 In the 20th century two World Wars were fought to prevent the fast expansion of this form of government. Most of those who started World War One were the few remaining absolute monarchs of Europe, while in World War Two it was the elected dictators of Germany and Italy. Absolute Monarchy Autocracy Direct Democracy Communism B. Autocracy

7 In early European history government power was held by a variety of kings and queens who ruled their kingdoms with mostly unlimited powers. Absolute Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy Communism Oligarchy A. Absolute Monarchy

8 In the 4th century BC work “The Republic”, the Greek philosopher Plato proposed the communal ownership of property by an intellectual ruling class, to put the welfare of the state above personal desire and moderate the greed of the producing classes. Direct Democracy Oligarchy Communism Representative Democracy/Republic C. Communism

9 Some Native American tribes organized themselves by having all male adult members of the tribe vote for any proposed laws or changes. Direct Democracy Representative Democracy/Republic Communism Socialism A. Direct Democracy

10 In the 20th century, kings and queens have generally become symbols of national unity, while real power has been moved to constitutional assemblies. Constitutional Monarchy Absolute Monarchy Autocracy Oligarchy A. Constitutional Monarchy

11 An example of this form of government emerged in 1215 in England when a small group of wealthy nobleman forced the king to share power. This moved the country from one person holding all of the power to a small group holding power Representative Democracy/Republic Absolute Monarchy Socialism Oligarchy D. Oligarchy

12 An example of this form of government is in the United States
An example of this form of government is in the United States. Citizens elect representatives at the national, state, and local levels of government to vote on their behalf. Direct Democracy Representative Democracy/Republic Socialism Autocracy B. Representative Democracy/Republic

13 Some believe that this form of government is desirable and achievable
Some believe that this form of government is desirable and achievable. Others view this form of government as inefficient and creates people who are dependent and gain unfairly from the government managing the economics of the country. Direct Democracy Representative Democracy/Republic Socialism Autocracy C. Socialism

14 This classroom is an example of a(n) __________.
Direct Democracy Representative Democracy/Republic Oligarchy Autocracy D. Autocracy

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