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The English Constitutional Monarchy Agenda:. 1

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1 The English Constitutional Monarchy Agenda:. 1
The English Constitutional Monarchy Agenda: Contrasting Absolutism and Constitutional Monarchs 2. CCOT Activity – Constitutional Monarchy 3. Two World Wars Daily Learning Goal: I can explain how England serves as a counter example for absolutism including the reasons for the glorious revolution and restoration.

2 Contrasting Absolutism and Constitutional Monarchs
7 MINS: Create a thesis statement which includes a form of argumentation (Corroboration, Contradiction or Qualification) and 3 pieces of evidence ABC – to support or oppose the following statement: Absolute Monarchs and Constitutional Monarchs in the 17th Century were really the same thing.

3 CCOT Activity – English Constitutional Monarchs
25 MINS: Create a double flowchart/timeline which explains the Continuity and Changes in the power of the English Monarch and Parliament between James I and the Glorious Revolution. Construct your timeline on a single piece of paper – using full statements (to turn in) Construct a larger version of your timeline on the dry-erase paper to present to the class.

4 Historical Causation: Two World Wars
Explain how absolutism was a cause of the 7 Years War and the War of Austrian Succession and which three outcomes were most significant for European interrelationships? Construct a well-organized 4-paragraph essay (intro, 2-body, conclusion) which answers the question, including a thesis and SPECIFIC textual evidence from the section (page citations). Due at Beginning of Class Wednesday. TYPED – Double-Spaced.

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