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Catholic Studies Engaging students by using relevant, contemporary content, open discussion and reflection to create understanding and action.

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1 Catholic Studies Engaging students by using relevant, contemporary content, open discussion and reflection to create understanding and action.

2 Being Catholic













15 Activity 1 In pairs students are allocated an aspect of what it means to be Catholic: Define and describe or explain this aspect Examples

16 Activity 1 (cont’d) Using this information as a class describe the Catholic Church: mindmap flow chart prezi series of points structured response

17 10 Things Pope Francis Has Done That Make Me Consider Being Catholic
Students are allocated one of these actions of Pope Francis. Describe this action and how this represents the Catholic Church of 2017.

18 What does it mean to be Catholic?

19 How is our school a Catholic community?
Students interview, photograph or video ways the school demonstrates being Catholic and create posters, clips… These posters could be displayed around the school. Videos could be shown at assemblies, information evenings, used to introduce Year 7’s to school charism, peer support


21 How does the Catholic church respond to the challenges it is faced with today?
social justice immigration poverty refugees Indigenous homelessness declining numbers attending mass sexual abuse declining religious life other issues

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