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Design Process By Jennifer Berry

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1 Design Process By Jennifer Berry
Problem Solving Design Process By Jennifer Berry

2 Identify and Define a Problem
Situation Opportunity Need Desire When documenting the design process include background information that explains the situation, opportunity, need or desire. Include pictures related to the background information. Cite and add sources to work cited page.

3 Develop a Design Brief Include imagery of the problem to be addressed.
Short statement outlining the problem to solve. (The who, what, when, where, and why! Leave out the how!) Describe what the designer must do. Keep statement as general as possible without limiting solutions. Include imagery of the problem to be addressed. Cite the images and add sources to work cited.

4 Task Analysis Analyze the task ahead of you.
Think about the who, what, where, when, how. Café Que Cost Aesthetics Function Ergonomics Quality User Environment

5 Investigate/Research
Investigate situation or problem. Research topics needed for better understanding of possible solutions. Interview clients, mentors, consumers Observe similar ideas on the market Explore Alternatives (limit inputs, expand inputs) Look at target audience

6 Research Analysis Sum up what you have learned from each section of investigation Draw attention to important aspects of new ideas.

7 Specs & Limits Specification Limitations
Directions given for the design to adhere to. Include priorities identified from your research and task analysis. Limitations Related to the inputs of a system. Include priorities identified from your research and task analysis. Include extents or minimums.

8 Brainstorm Ideas Use various designing strategies.
Sketch ideas for various parts of the problem. Use a matrix to generate various ideas. Identify points about your ideas related to specifications and limitations.

9 Alternative Solutions
Use brainstorming to create viable solutions to the design problem. Develop 3-5 viable solutions. Make decisions about materials, size, and manufacturing process. Describe each solution thoroughly. Label materials expected to use. Provide some sort of scale/size. Detail decisions based on specifications.

10 Select a Solution Tools Materials Time Energy Information People
Capital Identify the Pros and Cons of each alternative Solution Check solutions against your Café Que list. Discuss intentions for the final solution Develop Final Concept Drawings or Plan of final solution Provide a model for expected solution

11 Modeling Concepts Form model - expressing 3D volume only
Aesthetic model - expressing form and finish Cardboard Clay Foam core board Balsa Oak tag Poster board Foam Modeling clay Whatever is appropriate

12 Develop the Idea (consider outputs)
Develop Working Drawings Plan Procedures to include Supply, Material, Tool, and Parts Lists along with construction steps. Timetable/Action Plan

13 Prototype Modeling Process energy, materials & information
Produce exact replica of solution Replicate form, aesthetics and function

14 Test Procedures Develop testing procedures much like doing a scientific lab. Describe the expectations of the final solutions. Document the test procedures in numbered steps to follow while testing. Provide hypothesis of results.

15 Test, Evaluate & Improve
Experiment (process energy, sometimes material and information) Analyze the Design (Feedback investigation) Evaluate (materials, function, information) Make Improvements (change drawings, materials, information)

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