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Review of Revised SP 150 – Traffic Control Dated February 01, 2017

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1 Review of Revised SP 150 – Traffic Control Dated February 01, 2017
[ATSSA 2017 ≈GTPC 2017]

2 James Harry

3 Unexpected Road Construction Causes Accident
Safety THIS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO. Unexpected Road Construction Causes Accident


5 Audience Who is it written for: Inspectors Contractors
Designer (both GDOT and Consultants) Public

6 Process Took 18+ months to draft. Over 360 changes
Each change was reviewed by Construction Office Reviewed several times by Georgia Highway Contractor Association (GHCA) Not just one person ideas

7 SP 150: February 01, 2017 Contracts are governed by the SP 150 in that contract. SP 150 February 01, 2017, does not supersede previous versions Many dates within SP 150 Informative dates: MASH dates Termination dates/Sunset dates/ Milestone dates: upgrades

8 TTC Devices: added When any provisions of this Specification or the Plans do not meet the minimum requirements of the MUTCD, the MUTCD shall control. The 2009 Edition of the MUTCD shall be in effect for the duration of the project. All traffic control devices used during the construction of the project shall meet the Standards utilized in the MUTCD, and shall comply with the requirements of these specifications, Georgia Construction Standards and Details, Project Plans, Design Manuals, and Special Provisions.

9 TTC Devices: added

10 WTCS: Modified WTCS can be a subcontractor (not an employee of the Prime Contractor) WTCS will required active certification from NSC, or ATSSA ( no resume needed) WTCS will preform more inspections (monthly on all roadway/ weekly on interstates) New more detail TC-1

11 MASH Requirement: added
In addition, temporary work zone devices, including portable barriers, manufactured after December 31, 2019, must have been successfully tested under 2016 edition of MASH requirements. Such devices manufactured on or before this date, and successfully tested under either NCHRP Report 350 or the 2009 edition of MASH, may continue to be used throughout their normal service lives.

12 MASH Requirement: added
This is only for TTC devices. Other items have other milestones

13 TTC Devices – QPL: clarified
All traffic control devices with applicable Qualified Products List (QPL) categories shall come from the appropriate approved list. 2. Products not on the QPL may be used with an approval letter from the Georgia Department of Transportation Office of Materials. 3. If there are no applicable QPL, the Contractor shall provide proof of MASH/NCHRP 350 certification. The proof may be a letter or written statement from the manufacturer that the product is MASH/NCHRP 350 approved. Decal certifications are not proof of certification and are not required.

14 Quality Guideline for all Temporary Traffic Devices: new
ATSSA, “Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Devices and Features” Incorporated into the SP 150.

15 Quality Guideline for all Temporary Traffic Devices: new
Cover most TTC Devices: Signs, drums, precast concrete barriers, stop/go signs, marking, etc. Three level: Acceptable Marginal Unacceptable

16 Quality Guideline for all Temporary Traffic Devices: new
Number counting / Percentage: 100 drum= 75 acceptable + 25 marginal

17 Quality Guideline for all Temporary Traffic Devices: new

18 Retroreflectivity: new
A. Signs 1. For all projects let prior to and including April/May 2018, signs can be: a. All rigid fluorescent orange construction warning signs (black on fluorescent orange) shall meet the minimum retroreflectivity and color requirements of ASTM Type VII, VIII, IX or X regardless of the mounting height. . b. Warning signs (W3-1a) for stop conditions that have rumble strips located in the travel lane shall be reflectorized with ASTM Type IX fluorescent yellow sheeting. c. All other signs shall meet the requirements of ASTM Type III or IV except for “Pass With Care” and “Do Not Pass” signs which may be ASTM Type I unless otherwise specified 2. For all projects let May/June 2018 and afterward, all construction warning signs (black on fluorescent orange) shall meet the minimum reflectivity and color requirements of ASTM D4956 Type XI regardless of the mounting height. All other signs reflectorization shall be in accordance with the plans, contract, and “GDOT Signing and Marking Design Guidelines”. 3. Reflective sheeting should meet the requirements of Section 913 and QPL-29.

19 Retroreflectivity: new
Channelization Devices For all projects let prior to and including April/May 2018, channelization devices shall meet the minimum requirements of ASTM Type III or IV high intensity sheeting. For all projects let May/June 2018 and afterward, all channelization devices (white/ fluorescent orange and white/red) shall meet the minimum retroreflectivity requirements of ASTM D4956 Type VI. 3. Reflective sheeting should meet the requirements of Section 913 and QPL-29.

20 Retroreflectivity: new

21 Retroreflectivity: new
2) TTC Devices: ASTM D4956 Type VI

22 TTC Devices: modified Traffic Drums: Vertical Panels:
Type VI/ fluorescent orange/6” stripes/No orange band Vertical Panels: Type VI/ Fluorescent orange/6” stripes Can be used for longitudinal channelization in activity zone. No reduction in lane (<10’) req.

23 TTC Devices: modified Cones: Posts:
Prohibited on Interstates/ Daylight use only/Can be use for flagging taper Posts: Square Tube and/or galvanized U-channel No wood posts

24 TTC Devices: modified Signs: - Construction Signs
Type XI (Construction Signs) Rigid (not roll-up signs) Substantially plumbed and leveled Signs shall be visible and legible

25 TTC Devices

26 Pavement Marking: modified
All Traffic Striping (≤ 45 days): min 4” wide All Temporary Striping (> 45 days): Intermediate surfaces min 5” wide Final surface overlaid/grinded min 5” wide All Temporary Striping on Final Surface: min 4’ wide

27 Clear Zone: new Clear Zone: 30 ft. GA 4000W (<=> 30 ft.)
6ft. Urban Area (curb and gutter) Equipment/Material/ TTC devices

28 Highway Work Zone: modified
Req “reduce speed limit sign” Additional speed limit signs R2-1 Variable speed limit: VSL sign control the speed/ no R2-1 signs Request that speed limit be restricted to max 55 mph when working.

29 Shoulder Closure: new Shoulder Closures = Lane Closure
Shoulder Closure require Engineer approval Restricted to two miles Shoulder Closures (MUTCD) Advance signing Tapers

30 Traffic Pacing: modified
Increase time to 20 minutes Deleted static sign. / PCMS is required

31 Flagging Operations: modified
Only two organization for certification: American Traffic Safety Association (ATSSA) National Safety Council (NSC) Flaggers require a min. Performance Class 3

32 Mobile Operations: modified
Define a mobile operation by a min. speed of three (3) mph. Less than 3 mph will require a lane closure.

33 Work Zone Law Enforcement: added
Now included in the SP 150 with the following modification: The Engineer may at his discretion increase the maximum number of hours. If no work zone law enforcement pay item is included in the contract, then all work zone law enforcement cost shall be included in Traffic Control – Lump Sum.



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