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Recent Advances in Iterative Parameter Estimation

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1 Recent Advances in Iterative Parameter Estimation
Cédric Herzet and Luc Vandendorpe Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Sequel of Marc's presentation Topics

2 Most estimators rely on the maximum-likelihood criterion
Unbiased Estimation mean is equal to the actual parameter Efficient It reaches the smallest mean square error Particular approximation of the optimal receiver Explain what kind of parameter \Theta can include Often used due to its good asymptatical properties Unfortunately impossible to implement in practice since computation of LLF intractable

3 Classical estimators operate in non-data-aided (NDA) mode
All sequences are assumed equiprobable Common assumption:NDA i.e all the transmitted sequences are assumed equiprobable Good approximation at high SNR Large gap between true (CA) solution et NDA solution at low SNR Transition: we would like to get rid of this approximation and compute the actual the ML solution i.e. the ML solution which takes into account the code structure. Since impossible to compute a close form expression, we resort to iterative methods. Suboptimal if the sequence is coded

4 BER for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA The estimation quality leads to BER degradation The NDA synchronizer does not able to recover the performance of the perfectly synchronized system. Reason: does not take the code structure into account Perf. Sync

5 We resort to the iterative methods to solve the ML problem
Good performance We expect the method to converge to the ML solution Low complexity Each iteration must have a low computational load Proposed solution : resort to iterative methods

6 The EM algorithm enables an efficient search of the ML solution
Easy to maximize It is robust Converges under mild conditions to the ML solution It might converge slowly Depends on the quantity of missing information Algorithm well-suited to maximization problem when function to maximized is a probability Reasonable complexity Robust Drawback: may converge slowly

7 BER for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA Perf. Sync

8 BER for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA EM The EM synchronizer enables to improve the parameter estimate at each iteartion. BER improvement at each iteration but required a high number of iterations Perf. Sync

9 BER for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA EM Increase the number of iterations required to achieve converge Perf. Sync

10 Synchronization based on the factor graph framework
Explanation of factor graph and SP algorithm principle

11 We apply the SP algorithm to the ML estimation problem
The likelihood function may be viewed as the marginal of this probability Likelihood difficult to handle Likelihood function = marginal function of a more global probability. Idea: Apply the SP algorithm to compute the likelihood function in order to get an expression more easy to handle

12 The considered factor graph has two main parts
Only depends on synchronization parameters Synchronization 2 parts… Cycles : the SP algorithm is iterative (iterative exchange of message between the upper part and the lower part) Transition: talk about the kind of messages exchanged by the two parts. Only depends on transmitted symbols Symbol detection

13 Symbol detection part transmits symbol extrinsic probabilities
Synchronization Symbol extrinsic probabilities Run SP algorithm on lower part = symbol detector (may be itself iterative depending on the kind of transmission) Example : turbo decoder Transmitted messages = symbol extrinsic probabilities (= turbo receiver, BCJR decoder…) Symbol detection

14 The synchronization part transmits a modified likelihood function
Symbol detection

15 The extrinsic probabilities are used as a priori information
Transmitted message : where Same structure as actual likelihood function A priori information modified : extrinsic prob used Transition: difficult to handle : \theta continuous => infinite number of value has to be transmitted Solution : approximate message by canonical distribution => limit the number of values to be passed extrinsic probability (from detection part)

16 The synchronization message is approximated by a delta function
We compute a « well-chosen » point of the likelihood function Synchronization Parameter estimate Build a new LLF and compute a well-chosen point Classical turbo synchronization scheme: use soft information delivered by symbol detector to compute a new estimate Symbol detection

17 We solve a ML problem at each SP iteration
Easier to compute due to the particular factorization of the a priori information: We have to solve an ML problem at each iteration. Easier to solve than the initial ML problem to to the particular factorization of the symbol a priori probability

18 BER for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA EM Perf. Sync

19 BER for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA Do not increase significantly the receiver complexity EM SP synchronizer only leads to a small degradation in terms of turbo iterations w.r.t. a perfectly synchronized system SP Perf. Sync

20 The EM approach drops some information about the parameter
maximized by the SP approach maximized by the EM approach The modified likelihood function represents the best current statistical model relating observations to the parameter to be estimated. May be rewritten as the sum of two terms whose the first is the function maximized by the

21 Theoretical lower bounds for soft synchronizer performance
Given an amount of soft information, what is the best possible performance achievable by a soft synchronizer

22 Soft synchronizers consider a modified statistical model
The symbol a priori knowledge is assumed to come from a soft information vector e Approach based on the observation that all soft synchronizer are based (explicitly or implicitly) on a modified likelihood function. Modification consists in assuming that symbol a priori information is given by a soft information vector e

23 We can compute the CRB related to the modified statistical model
CRB related to the observation of a particular vector e Using the modified LLF, we may derive a CRB which the estimation error variance given a particluar soft information vector e In practice, we want to bound the synchronizer performance for a distribution of vector e

24 We derive a lower bound valid for a soft information distribution
First expression is intractable to compute in practice We derive a modified CRB much easier to compute in practice. We prove that this bound is not looser than the CRB as long as the frame length is large enough. Soft Modified Cramer-Rao Bound: easy to compute in practice…

25 MSE for BICM transmission with phase estimation
The soft synchronizers can reach the MCRB after only a few iterations… Explanation plot: what vs what Comments: … SMCRB MCRB

26 MSE for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA Do not take the code structure into account ! Huge gap at low SNR between the performance achievable by a NDA synchronizer and a CA synchronizer SMCRB MCRB

27 MSE for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA Do not take fully benefit from the available soft information EM MCRB

28 MSE for BICM transmission with phase estimation
NDA The SP approach enables to operate very close to the SMCRB SP EM MCRB

29 Semi-analytical performance analysis of turbo-equalization schemes
Likelihood function = marginal function of a more global probability. Idea: Apply the SP algorithm to compute the likelihood function

30 The considered receiver is made up with three blocks
Turbo equalizer Received samples BER Channel estimator MMSE/IC equalizer MAP decoder Assumptions : BPSK, one user

31 We want to calculate the equalizer outputs as functions of the inputs
MMSE/IC equalizer Goal : find analytical expressions of functions f1 and f2

32 Variance of LLR at equalizer output vs. estimation error variance
Calculations fit simulations very well 4 dB 5-tap Porat channel simulations calculations

33 The MAP decoder behavior is simulated
f is simulated Finally, the BER may be expressed as a function of the equalizer inputs, notably the estimation error variance

34 BER vs. estimation error variance
The BER degradation is accurately predicted by calculations 4 dB 5-tap Porat channel simulations calculations

35 Cooperations and prospective researches
Any problems related to parameter estimation: Channel estimation Time-varying parameters Receiver design based on factor graphs Analytical performance analysis (BER, CRB,…)

36 Thank you for your attention !

37 BER for BICM transmission

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