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He Gives Life John 6: p He Gives Life John 6: p. 984.

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2 He Gives Life John 6: 53-69 p. 984

3 “Image of Christ” Christians say:
“I want to be like Jesus” “Be transformed into the image of Christ” What does this mean? What about “I want to be like Lady Gaga”?

4 Jesus Lady Gaga

5 “Image of Christ” ... We should be like Jesus!
Not of our imaginings, but the actual historical Jesus. A Critical Point in our Series – “Many turned back and no longer followed him” (v 66)

6 1. Recap: The Last 3 Weeks 1. HE CAME: The Logos (Jn 1:1-18)
The Logos became FLESH He did not cling to his divine privileges (Phil 2:6-7) He was not comfortable, safe, luxurious, ...

7 Flesh NOT Flesh

8 1. Recap: The Last 3 Weeks ... 2. HE SAVES: Nicodemus (Jn 1:1-21)
Jesus came to save This rescue/salvation does not fit human expectations It starts with Being “Born Again” 3. HE COPIES: He Imitates the Father (Jn 5:16-30) He does what he sees the Father doing The Father, in love, shows the Son all that he is doing.

9 Loving INTIMACY is the Foundation
1. Recap: The Last 3 Weeks ... HE COPIES: He Imitates the Father (Jn 5:16-30) The flow of the story The Father is always at work The Son is also always at work, imitating the Father The Son does nothing on his own The Father Loves the Son and shows him everything he does The Son seeks only to please the Father Our Relationship with God works on the same pattern: Loving INTIMACY is the Foundation

10 1. Recap: The Last 3 Weeks ... The Essentials:
We cannot cling to comfort, luxury, safety if we want to follow Christ We must be “Born again” to take hold of God’s rescue We will know God as we willingly imitate (obey) him in intimate love. This can be “hard to accept”

11 2. The Crisis Point – Decision !!!
Jesus feeds the 5000. The crowd chases after him and find him the next day A discussion ensues ... The Crisis Point: Whoever comes to me will never go hungry (v 35) Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (v 35) What is the work of God: Believe in the one he has sent (v 28-29)

12 2. The Crisis Point – Decision !!! ...
Leads to Eternal Life (v 54). Too hard to accept – many walk away Core disciples stay: Peter – You have the words of Eternal Life (v 68) You are the Holy One of God (v 69)

13 2. The Crisis Point – Decision !!! ...
DECISION: At critical moments in our walk with God we need to make HARD choices

14 2. The Crisis Point – Decision !!! ...
SUMMARY of everything so far: L-I-F-E L et Go. Jesus did not cling to his privileges, nor can we! I ntimacy We enter the unity of love in the Trinity F aith Step out and take hold of All God has for us. E ssential decisions At crisis points, have to make HARD choices


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