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Richard Dorrance Literature Review: 1/11/13

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1 Richard Dorrance Literature Review: 1/11/13
Chapter 11 in Systems and Circuit Design for Biologically-Inspired Intelligent Learning FPGA Coprocessor for Simulation of Neural Networks Using Compressed Matrix Storage Richard Dorrance Literature Review: 1/11/13

2 Overview Binary neuron model for unsupervised learning
arranged into minicloumns and macrocloumns Sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMxV) compressed row format software optimizations FPGA coprocessor exploiting matrix characteristics for a “novel” architecture benchmarks and scalability (or lack there of)

3 Neural Network Example

4 Binary Neuron Model Modeled as McCulloch-Pitts neurons (i.e. binary):
only 2 states: firing (1) and not firing (0) fixed time step t refractory period of one time step

5 Macrocolumn Dynamics

6 Cortical Macrocolumn Connection Matrix

7 Feature Extraction: Bars Test
Introduce learning with “Hebbian plasticity” (i.e. updating neuronal links)

8 Compress Row Format Sparse matrix representation (w/ 3 vectors): value
column index row pointer

9 SpMxV is the Bottleneck
Theoretically SpMxV should be memory bound Reality: lots of stalling for data due to irregular memory access patterns Coding Strategies: cache prefetching matrix reordering register blocking (i.e. N smaller, dense matrices) CPU: 100 GFLOPS (theoretical), 300 MFLOPS (reality) GPU: 1 TFLOPS (theoretical), 10 GFLOPS (reality)

10 Simplifications and Optimizations
Matrix elements are binary: value vector is dropped Strong block-like structure to matrices: compress column index vector

11 FPGA Coprocessor Architecture

12 Resource Usage

13 Scalability

14 Conclusions SpMxV is the major bottleneck to simulating neural networks Architectures of CPUs and GPUs limit performance FPGAs can increase performance efficiency Specialized formulation of SpMxV  limited scalability

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