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Systemic Use of Assessment Data

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Presentation on theme: "Systemic Use of Assessment Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systemic Use of Assessment Data
8/12/2016 Systemic Use of Assessment Data

2 The Challenge Strategic Planning Personalized Learning
8/12/2016 The Challenge Strategic Planning Personalized Learning School Improvement Program Evaluation Response to Intervention (RtI) Return on Investment

3 Data Rich and Information Poor
Reading scores PARCC 2014 Scores 2015 MAP ACT Math scores SAT Writing scores AIMSweb STAR

4 Personalized Learner Profile
The ECRISS Portal Strategic Dashboard My Students School Improvement Document Library Personalized Learner Profile

5 Foundational Concepts

6 The Construct of Student Growth

7 Growth versus Status Status Growth
Equitable models break the correlation between growth and status

8 Asking the Right Question
How do we know if a student grew more in School A than they would have in School B? A B Issue of the control group. In absence of randomization, longitudinal tracking & analysis is next best thing.

9 Projected/Expected Achievement
The Growth Metric Growth Actual Achievement Instruction Projected/Expected Achievement Individual Student Past Performance Growth is how a student performed relative to all other students with the same performance history.

10 Local Growth Model Distills Past Achievement
SAT PARCC MAP Math Composite Achievement (Propensity) Universally Administered Tests Reading scores PARCC 2015 Scores MAP Math scores Writing scores AIMSweb SAT ACT SBA STAR [mean of 100 and standard deviation of 16]

11 LGM Projects Future Achievement
Your Local Growth Model (LGM) analyzes individual student performance longitudinally across multiple assessments and across multiple points in time. A personalized projection is created for each student in the district based on the student’s prior performance history and local norms. Fixed Local Norms Multiple Years of Performance Data

12 8/12/2016 Demographics Inclusion of student-level demographics sets differential standards for students. This runs counter to initiatives related to closing the achievement gap. Research shows demographics are not needed for equitable systems when using multiple predictors.

13 LGM Distills Past Achievement & Projects Future Achievement
Last Year’s Performance on Universally Administered Tests Individual Student Composite Achievement Score (Propensity) Future Projected Scores (e.g. Fall, Winter & Spring)

14 Visualizing Projections
Each student is assigned a personalized projection for a future test based on prior achievement and local district norms.

15 Visualizing Growth Growth is the distance between projected and actual achievement. Each student is plotted against a backdrop of typical growth and status and compared to all students with the same performance history.

16 The Thresholds Lower than Expected Growth Growth from -.30 to -.59
Higher than Expected Growth Growth or Above Lower than Expected Growth Growth from to -.59 Expected Growth Growth from -.29 to +.29 Unsatisfactory Growth Growth -.60 or Below

17 Growth Thresholds Growth Growth Thresholds
Include appropriate safeguards to ensure changes in scores are statistically significant and educationally relevant. Higher Than Expected Growth Growth Thresholds Expected Growth Lower Than Expected Unsatisfactory Growth

18 Student Achievement Growth
Last Year’s Performance on Universally Administered Tests Individual Student Composite Achievement Score (Propensity) Future Projected Scores (e.g. Fall, Winter & Spring) Actual Scores (e.g. Fall, Winter & Spring) Growth (e.g. Fall, Winter & Spring)

19 Applications Personalized Learning, Course Placement
Response to Intervention (RtI) District and School Improvement Program Evaluation Staff Development and Evaluation

20 Personalized Learner Profile
8/12/2016 Personalized Learner Profile Paints a portrait of a student against a backdrop of a broader set of outcomes

21 Mathematics Propensity Scores for Freshman Placement
Course Placement Mathematics Propensity Scores for Freshman Placement

22 Response to Intervention (RtI)
Identify at-risk using external standards, monitor progress using local growth

23 District and School Improvement

24 Program Evaluation Program # Students Served Financial Allocation
Return on Investment Reading Support 112 $250,000 - 0.32 21st Century Learning 248 $780,000 + 0.17 Summer Academy 58 $112,000 + 0.44 Conduct program analysis to identify the expenditures that result in the greatest return on investment (student outcomes).

25 Staff Development and Evaluation

26 Working in your ECRISS Portal
Strategic Dashboard My Students School Improvement Document Library Personalized Learner Profile

27 8/12/2016 Questions? 27

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