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( … ONLINE POLLS... ) By Neerali Pattni.

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1 ( … ONLINE POLLS... ) By Neerali Pattni

2 Online Polls What is Online Polls ?
Online polls are, the polls where you can find out what people are thinking about the area the questioned asked for. The polls are fact-finding devices which help to keep the public in touch with important answers. An opinion poll is a survey of public opinion from a particular sample. Opinion polls are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions. However, there are negatives points about online polls e.g. some people do not answer from strangers, or refuse to answer the poll, poll samples may not be representative samples from a population due to a non-response bias. Because of this selection bias, the characteristics of those who agree to be interviewed may be markedly different from those who decline. On the positive side, there a few good positives reasons why online polls are very useful : firstly its easy and quick to create. Polls are very approachable to young people as its easy to fill in by a click of a button.

3 Online - social networking polls
These are the online polls that have posted to my face book wall, so that people can share their vote. This can help me, make my product better when creating my film production work. After creating the polls, I posted the polls onto my Face book Profile, so that people can casts their votes in. I have asked a numerous people to complete the polls, not a certain number this is because I can get approach a large target audience.

4 This is my first question I asked the audience, where below are the results.
Firstly by doing online poll, I have found out that only 18 people actually participate, where as 30 just viewed the online poll. This shows that some people are not willing to participate in a online poll. From the research, I have found out that blood, chasing and violence were the popular options. This is because these option received the highest amount of votes. Blood : 33.33% Chasing : 22.22% Violence : 22.22%

5 Firstly by doing online poll, I have found out that only 15 people actually participate, where as 19 just viewed the online poll. This shows that some people are not willing to participate in a online poll, once again. From the research, I have found out that Image, reviews and unseen footage were the popular options. This is because these option received the highest amount of votes. Image: 33.33% Reviews: 40.00% Unseen Footage: 20.00%

6 Firstly by doing online poll, I have found out that only 15 people actually participate, where as 20 just viewed the online poll. This shows that some people are not willing to participate in a online poll. This was shown though out the online polls From the research, I have found out that Image, colour and captions were the popular options. This is because these option received the highest amount of votes. Image : 56.25% Captions: 18.75% Colour: 25.00%

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