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Public Opinion and Political Socialization: Shaping the People’s Voice

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1 Public Opinion and Political Socialization: Shaping the People’s Voice
Chapter 6 © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

2 Political Socialization: The Origins of Americans’ Opinions
Public opinion: opinions of citizens that are openly stated exs Political culture: the characteristic and deep-seated beliefs of a particular people about government and politics IN US, … © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

3 Political Socialization: The Origins of Americans’ Opinions
Political socialization process (def)-- Childhood learning is paramount and remains the #1 socialization agent Process is cumulative: political affiliations usually grow firmer with age Family is #1 agent of socialization Political Ideology Religious or not (church goer article) Morals and values © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

4 Political Socialization: The Origins of Americans’ Opinions
Primary political socialization agents: Family Family is the strongest of all agents of socialization Schools Church Scholars have not studied the effects of religion as well as schools or family, but it is a powerful influence © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

5 Political Socialization: The Origins of Americans’ Opinions
Secondary political socialization agents: Peers Media Leaders of organizations (scouts, teams, teachers etc) Watershed events (ex. Vietnam vs. September 11th) © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

6 Frames of Reference: How Americans Think Politically
Political ideology: A coherent set of political beliefs Few Americans have true political ideology Ideological leanings: Economic liberals/conservatives Social liberals/conservatives Populists and libertarians Where do Democrats and Republicans fit in?? See Workbook section 1.3 and “Diamond Visual” © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

7 Frames of Reference: How Americans Think Politically
Frames of reference: reference points by which individuals evaluate issues and developments Party identification and PARTISANSHIP Party identification: emotional loyalty to a political party; not formal membership Partisanship-carrying out your loyalty to your party usually through donations and events. Can lead to selective perception—define Major shifts in loyalty are rare Shifts occur among younger adults usually only with watershed events that cause upheaval (civil rights, September 11th ) © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

8 © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

9 Frames of Reference: How Americans Think Politically
Group orientations (as an adult….) the following influence a bias toward liberal or conservative views… Religion Economic class Region Race and ethnicity Gender Generations and age Crosscutting groups (def) © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

10 The Measurement of Public Opinion
Traditional method: election results Public opinion polls: primary method Measure public opinion using randomly chosen population sample(s) and carefully constructed interviews Samples—estimation of population’s views Accuracy of a poll—expressed by sampling error © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

11 The Measurement of Public Opinion
Problems with polls Increasing refusal to participate in telephone polls Polled individuals often unfamiliar with issues Dishonesty by respondents or want to please pollster Poorly worded questions and poor question order Non-opinions Internet and cell phones/personal devices—blogs, online polls, twitter, etc…younger generation more involved in politics due to this, HOWEVER, the political info they get is not always accurate. © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

12 The Influence of Public Opinion on Policy
Disagreement over how much public opinion affects policy, and how much it should affect policy- in the end the politician has to make the decision…. Limits on public influence Role of interest groups vs. average citizen Inconsistencies in citizens’ policy preferences Citizens’ lack of understanding of issues Mastery of issues not necessary for opinion to be of value, but some issues require deeper political understanding Ex. War in Middle East??? © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

13 The Influence of Public Opinion on Policy
Public opinion and the boundaries of action Some policy actions are outside the boundaries of public acceptability (ex. Torture all terrorists-Guantanamo Bay)and will be discontinued. The greater the level of public involvement, the more likely officials will respond to public sentiment Even on popular issues, leaders have some discretion or can influence public opinion through concerted efforts and propaganda (proper wording—dodging the issue etc) Ex. Hilary Clinton and Benghazi speeches. © 2013, McGraw-Hill Education. All Rights Reserved.

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