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TE-ABT PLC and SCADA usage

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2 TE-ABT PLC and SCADA usage
Pieter Van Trappen PVT - TE-ABT-EC

3 Contents General information Kicker magnet generator
Generator slow control SCADA WinCC v7.3 Needs PVT - TE-ABT-EC

4 1 – General information In our TE-ABT-EC section we use PLCs for two main types of machine Collimator and septum positioning (e.g. TCDQ, MS Septa) Kicker magnet generator control Focus today on the kicker magnet “generator” as it would be the first candidate for generalisation. In our section we program PLCs (Siemens only) as follows: Mostly programmed by 1 person; in case of bigger projects (LBDS) we work with a project on a shared VM Use of Step7 v5.5 and WinCC Flex for local HMIs (mostly MultiPanels) Use of LAD, FBD, SCL and GRAPH7 languages. Rarely STL. Usage depends from person to person but in general LAD & FDB >60% of the project. Use of multi-instances and WinCC Flex/WinCC faceplates to implement generalisation. Recently we switched to TIA Portal V13 for the new projects PVT - TE-ABT-EC

5 2 – Kicker magnet generator
Simplified schematic of a kicker system (© Mike Barnes): PVT - TE-ABT-EC

6 2 – Kicker magnet generator cont’d
In general we can divide the generator control in two parts: Fast control (electronic modules/cards, NI PXI): Fast interlocks for HV switch and machine protection Beam energy tracking for the DCPS reference HV switch triggering and timing Slow control (mainly PLCs, sometimes old electronic cards): HV Stop emergency buttons (fail-safe) Power distribution control (circuit breaker status, contactors, etc.) HV switch heater control in case of gas tubes (e.g. thyratron) HV PS status and state control (mostly with analogue and digital signals) PFN manual/electric discharge switch control for interventions Analogue values sampling and logging (e.g. PFN voltages, vacuum pressures) Timing control (inhibit or not); pulse counters Local pulsing and training sequencers PVT - TE-ABT-EC

7 3 – Generator slow control
Since >10 years now we’ve replaced electronic matrixes to an interlock-driven sequence of steps per generator. This is used to control the generator locally and remotely; similar views on local HMIs as on SCADA. Example MKP (SPS injection): PVT - TE-ABT-EC

8 4 – SCADA WinCC v7.3 We use similar views for WinCC Flex (local HMIs) and WinCC v7.3 (SCADA), but unfortunately projects, views and faceplates can not be shared between those two software packages. This involves a substantial amount of double work. Because the Step7 projects are not integrated in WinCC we have to manually enter/import tags (Excel can help). PVT - TE-ABT-EC

9 4 – SCADA WinCC v7.3 cont’d The SCADA is used for remote controls and diagnostics by the equipment responsibles, but also by the CCC OP from time to time. Any Windows machine on the TN can reach the WinCC Web Navigator with Internet Explorer after installing the plugins. So no native GNU/Linux support. Important control and diagnostics for the CCC is realised through IEPLC and FESA. PVT - TE-ABT-EC

10 5 – Needs Some of our requirements for future solutions:
No more double work for local (HMI) and remote (SCADA) views SCADA views accessible from GNU/Linux machines Redundant SCADA server architecture Multiple-user support for SCADA development More focus on generalisation because we use a similar generator approach for each installation (PLC code libraries? UNICOS?) Because each machine always has its own specifics, it should be user-friendly to add our own FB/FC in FDB,LAD,SCL In case of for example WinCC v7.3 to WinCC OA migration, we’d have more than >30000 screens to migrate. PVT - TE-ABT-EC


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