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WHO-EURO CPH 26.3.2010 SIHLWA-9 SIHLWA SIHLWA EG new operational mode.

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1 WHO-EURO CPH SIHLWA-9 SIHLWA SIHLWA EG new operational mode

2 SIHLWA EXPERT GROUP new Terms of Reference - DRAFT 080310
Thematic area 4: Lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases and good social and work environments SIHLWA EXPERT GROUP new Terms of Reference - DRAFT CRUCIAL: Each TASK GROUP just as EXPERT GROUP must have explicitly nominated LEAD PARTNER and CO-LEAD PARTNER. Nomination of EXPERT GROUP and TASK GROUP member/representative need to become much more regulated and supported. They also need to have an alternate-member/representative system TOR is presented to CSR by LEAD PARTNER (next opportunity 19-20/3 in Moscow)



5 NDPHS Expert Group on Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability (“SIHLWA”) TERMS OF REFERENCE The EG on SIHLWA has the following scope of responsibilities: Promote the principles and objectives of the Partnership in the fields of the tentatively five (5) Task Groups and develop strong partnerships with a wide variety of stakeholders to ensure that the Partnership achieves maximum results; Establish and maintain relations within the Partner Countries and Organisations as well as with international and national organisations, and other institutions, as appropriate;

6 New SIHLWA TASKS continued
Advocate and lobby for the improvement of public health and social well-being, provide and communicate “collective knowledge;” Improve the general awareness of and increase positive attitudes towards the Expert Group’s field of work; Promote public health-oriented service systems and health sector reforms with attention to populations at risk and to take into account response capacity in rural and remote locations; Contribute to the development of national policies that respond to the needs and requirements of Partner Countries;

7 New SIHLWA TASKS continued
Advocate and lobby for the improvement of public health and social well-being, provide and communicate “collective knowledge;” Improve the general awareness of and increase positive attitudes towards the Expert Group’s field of work; Promote public health-oriented service systems and health sector reforms with attention to populations at risk and to take into account response capacity in rural and remote locations; Contribute to the development of national policies that respond to the needs and requirements of Partner Countries;

8 New: Successful fulfillment of Thematic area 4 will require a cohesive force, facilitative capacity and flexibility to diverse requests from the governing bodies of NDPHS and it secretariat, as the terms of reference of TGs are relatively narrow and precisely defined and thus do not provide leeway for unexpected tasks.

9 New: The Thematic area 4 TGs Chairs ans Co-chairs would be invited to attend SIHLWA-EG meetings as full members. Additionally special effort with the advise and support by CSR, from each Partner Country at least one prominent, well-known expert with considerable prestice and over-arching respect based on proven career on national and international fora on healthy lifestyle and social well-being (“wise men” and “ise women”) would be invited to the EG. Their advise and voice would be needed for the advocacy and societal acceptance of the messages, In order to contract such persons, it will be evident that SIHLWA-EG meetings would frequently need to use video-conferencing facilities.

10 The Task Groups relationship to SIHLWA EG wouldnot be not a subordinate one, but aims to be a cohesive link with other Task Groups working on closely related topics. SIHLWA EG provides logistic advice and helps in disseminating the results and seeks for additional support for project funding opportunities

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