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CIMug Asset Health Focus Community

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1 CIMug Asset Health Focus Community
Update for European CIMug Meeting June 4, 2015 Pat Brown EPRI Gowri Rajappan Doble Good morning, everyone. I’m Pat Brown and I’m here to talk about the CIMug Asset Health Focus Community This has been quite a week hasn’t it? Kinda like sipping from a fire hydrant, isn’t it? It’s been striking to me how often asset information featured in presentations we’ve heard this week: On Wednesday Siri discussed transmission and distribution transformer monitoring and health indexing Matija spoke of including asset management data in the WEB.CIM integration platform Gowri talked about a CIM-enabled Asset Registry Alexandre addressed asset information in the analytics work that Hydro Quebec is doing Yesterday Shawn mentioned that assets are included in the UDM And just this morning And Fook-Luen just shared with us DTE’s asset risk management strategy Feels to me like a real recognition of how the CIM can help in the domain of assets.

2 CIMug Focus Communities
Address: A high-priority need Where wide input is needed: Utilities Vendors Universities IEC WG experts Supported by IEC WG Technical Team Facilitate quicker, real-world-based updates of CIM standards Asset Health is first, more are coming.. Let’s start by talking about the notion of focus communities…

3 Asset Management at Utilities
The Business Challenge Aging fleet past design life Limited resources Increased regulatory / media pressure Heuristic decision-making Time-based maintenance is default Replace? Repair? Monitor? So back to the area of asset health. Asset information is used for lots of purposes in a utility – capital accounting, rate-case preparation, work management, but one of the biggest untapped areas is using utility asset-related information of asset management itself. Utilities are facing almost unbelievable challenges in managing their asset fleets x Heuristic (seat-of-the-pants) decision making… something that is becoming less possible with the departure of seasoned utility engineers as the utility work force ages. So there is a clear business need… The Business Need Accurate insight into asset health for accurate decision-making

4 Asset Management at Utilities
. The IT Challenge Data location field measurements . Data format . maintenance test Data stewardship nameplate inspection Compounded by New Technological Opportunites Modern sensing technologies New communication solutions In the typical utility, there is actually a wealth of existing information available that could shed light on the health of assets. The problem is getting to it in any kind of efficient fashion.. Compounded by the new available information The IT Need A way to organize disparate information from a variety of sources ?

5 Existing Asset Health Data Environment
Engineer . Asset Manager . Field Maintenance . Results to Applications Work Management System Visualization of Results Analytics Data Sources Test Records Database RTUs Asset Management System Maintenance Management System EMS SCADA Asset Field Data Operations Field Data IEDs Let’s look at a graphic representation of that IT need.. . Surely a fertile field for a CIM-based solution Sensors Monitors Planner . Asset Manager . Field Maintenance . Engineer . Operator .

6 Asset Health Focus Community Work
Envision a CIM model-based architecture forming the basis of an asset health framework Carefully review CIM support for asset health data and suggest refinements and enhancements to the asset-related portions of the CIM model Produce Edition 2 Include asset health use cases/modeling Revise to current format Resources Real-world utility and vendor input Technical support from WG13 and WG14 All that great structural support from the CIM is wonderful.. A really good starting point But how to go about actually applying it to help with asset health information integration?... So the AHFC started by envisioning… And carefully reviewing Getting real-world utility and vendor input all along the way… Augemented by As a matter of fact our habit has been to have alternative Tuesday phone calls by the two groups… One Tuesday, one would…

7 Asset Health Focus Community Vision of Asset Health Integration Framework
Planner . Engineer . Operator . Asset Manager . Field Maintenance . Results to Applications EMS Contingency Analysis Work Management System Visualization of Results Data Integration (analytics results) Analytics Data Integration (source data) Data Sources So this is what the vision looks like A utility has…… And, of course the CIM would be the semantic model basis of choice to provide the organizing strategy for the Data Integration layers. The AHFC has started by focusing on this lower integration layer and CLICK the enhancements to the CIM that will be needed to support it. RTUs Asset Management System Maintenance Management System Test Records Database EMS SCADA Asset Field Data Operations Field Data IEDs Sensors Data Monitors

8 Asset Health Focus Community Review/Suggest Refinements to CIM Model
Existing CIM support for asset health information: The skeleton is there Asset and its components - Asset and AssetContainer classes, and their children Nameplate – AssetInfo child classes Model/Manufacturer – ProductAssetModel and Manufacturer classes Test/Inspection/Maintanance Results – Procedure and ProcedureDataSet child classes Network model role – PowerSystemResource child classes Measurements – Measurement and MeasurementValue child classes … and concluded that: But…. It needs fleshing out It needs refinement

9 CIM Support for Asset Health Information
Asset and its components Let’s take a look at existing CIM support… Asset and AssetContainer with a lovely recursive design.. It means…

10 CIM Support for Asset Health Information
Nameplate Asset and its components

11 CIM Support for Asset Health Information
Nameplate Model / Manfacturer Asset and its components

12 CIM Support for Asset Health Information
Nameplate Model / Manfacturer Asset and its components Test/Inspection/ Maintenance Results

13 CIM Support for Asset Health Information
Nameplate Model / Manfacturer Asset and its components Network model role Test/Inspection/ Maintenance Results

14 CIM Support for Asset Health Information
Nameplate Model / Manfacturer Asset and its components Network model role Test/Inspection/ Maintenance Results Measurements

15 Asset Health Focus Community Review/Suggest Refinements to CIM Model
Many areas of suggested refinement Creation of asset templates Current Asset/AssetContainer model has Huge flexibility Little support for interoperability Clarification of Asset and AssetInfo class usage New model for test procedure results Based on “independent values” Looking at Measurement, ReadingType, for configuration definition Improved support of asset lifecycle Etc… And we currently have a number of areas where extensions or improvements might be needed. They include …really useful to describe a structure, a skeleton off which important asset information can be ‘hung’ …since the way in which one application might choose to arrange asset components for a given type of asset would have little probability of matching the way in which another application would do it

16 Asset Health Focus Community Review/Suggest Refinements to CIM Model
Asset templates Provide model-based way of organizing other asset health information (nameplate/model/manufacturer and procedure results) Enable application interoperability Will probably become IEC “Technical Specifications” not “International Standards” Templates defined: Transmission breakers: SF6 dead tank Bulk oil (dead tank) Minimum oil (live tank) SF6 live tank Air blast (live tank) Working on transformers We are looking to templates to

17 Asset Health Focus Community Review/Suggest Refinements to CIM Model
So let’s a quick look at what one of the templates we working on defining might look like. Let’s take an SF6 Dead Tank breaker… one of the most common transmission breakers in service today… What instances of what classes should be used to model this type of asset? In the case of an SF6 Dead Tank Breaker, maybe we have:… Template Example – SF6 Dead Tank Breaker Instances used to describe an asset of a specific type

18 Asset Health Focus Community Review/Suggest Refinements to CIM Model
Modeling of “independent values” Procedure result values (measurements) Grouping by source By test activity type and time By field device source Definition of type of ‘independent value’. Considering: Measurement ReadingType 61850 We are looking to templates to

19 Asset Health Focus Community 61968-4 Edition 2
Possible inputs Review / revise existing resources Use cases – and SGIP Messages – Add in Asset Health Focus Community work New/revised IRM actor Model updates Use cases EPRI GIS use cases We are looking to templates to

20 Asset Health Focus Community 61968-4 Edition 2
Sequence of actions Refine IRM Review relate Business Function and Business Sub-Functions Propose modifications/additios as appropriate Develop use case from multiple sources as input Use existing use cases form multiple sources as input Identify data exchanges Suggest extensions/refinements ot canonical CIM Develop profiles We are looking to templates to

21 Asset Health Focus Community Current Activities
Oil Analysis Modeling Working with lab experts to Identify ‘independent values’from multiple sources Identify ASTM/IEC/IEEE standards that govern testing We are looking to templates to Transformer templates

22 Asset Health Focus Community and You
Information on CIMug SharePoint site UCAI UserID needed

23 Asset Health Focus Community and You
Bi-weekly Focus Community calls Tuesdays at 10 am Eastern Next call 9 June, 2015 Contact Gowri Rajappan, Pat Brown,

24 Questions?

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