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Strategic planning – it’s future Ted and Marshall’s problem

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1 Strategic planning – it’s future Ted and Marshall’s problem
Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017


3 Are we future Ted & Marshall?
Annual leadership changes with succession planning Competing priorities – themes vs. priorities Absence of a “north star”

4 Cincinnati PRSA leadership path
VP Programming  President Elect  President Immediate Past President VP Programming burnout President elect role confusion President ramp up time Immediate past president role confusion

5 How to create a strategic plan
Find your unbiased moderator Form your committee – open call vs. selected members The hard-working volunteer The long-time, passionate chapter member The newbie The complainer Plan for a half-day session – structure is key Feed your committee

6 How to create a strategic plan – Part 1
Moderator set-up Facilitate only SWOT Leverage the Post-It notes Create level playing field Plan minutes Walk through the Post-Its, yes, every one Group where possible – ask for permission to group “Do we all agree this is our current reality?”

7 How to create a strategic plan
Break out the chocolate

8 How to create a strategic plan – Part 2
Start futurecasting 1 year 3 or 5 years 5 or 10 years Bring back the Post-Its Allow minutes

9 How to create a strategic plan – Part 2
Walk through each Post-It note Ask for buy-in “Is this a priority for our chapter in the next year?” “With our limited time and resources, is this something we need to tackle next year?” Website or new chapter members? Go through each year in isolation “Do we all agree this is our preferred future state?”


11 Cincinnati PRSA – Year 1 realities
Created strategic planning – check Expanded membership, reconnected with PRSSA Explored rebrand – programming, major events Explored new website

12 Cincinnati PRSA – Year 3 realities
Clearer sponsorship focus Improved one-on-one recruitment efforts Expanded chapter administrator position Positioned chapter as thought leader on future state of PR/marketing in Greater Cincinnati

13 Cincinnati PRSA – Year 5 realities
Recognition as one of the “big things” in Greater Cincinnati No longer fighting for attention with AMA, etc. Fully realized community social outreach Fully realized reputation management campaign

14 Cincinnati PRSA – Results
Current president, president elect, VP programming met twice to review strategic plan draft Draft due to the committee in mid-October Board votes on draft in November Implementation begins in January

15 Questions?

16 Thanks, past Cincinnati PRSA – you guys are great

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