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Objective: to review the reformers of the church: which reformers

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1 Objective: to review the reformers of the church: which reformers
Were the most effective and why? Use next two slides to check your notes from yesterday and then Complete the T chart shown on the 3rd slide. then further reforms needed = education-read sect 3, answer section Review questions. HW: answer question posted on HW site (5 sentence paragraph using Evidence – support (agree) or refute (disagree) with the statement: Thomas Aquinas was the most effective at reforming the church. Explain Your answer, support with evidence.

2 25 – 2 Attempts at Reform-use T chart
The Church was supported by tithes and donations. The office of bishop was often sold for money or favors. Europeans became worried about what direction the Church was headed. Pope Gregory wanted to increase his power officials and rid the Church of control by kings and over Church nobles. In 1075 a papal bull was issued stating that the Pope was above all kings and nobles and that only the Pope could choose Church leaders. The monks of the monastery at Cluny recognized only the authority of the Pope. Friars Franciscan Order Founded by Francis of Assisi Deep love of nature Dominican Order Started by a monk named Dominic Studied many languages

3 Self-sufficient tasks: farming, cooking, sewing building, etc.
Charitable tasks: hospital work, providing refuge for homeless, food for the poor, lodging for travelers and distributing the sacraments Monasticism = life led by monks and nuns Monk = Greek for “living alone” Nun = French from none, originally Egyptian for “virgin” Nuns and monks wanted to avoid war, sickness, sin, corruption and wanted to serve God and fellow Christians St. Benedict renounced wealth and founded an Italian monastery in 529 A.D. He wrote “The Rule”, a set of rules for monks to live by Duties included: work, study, prayer Monks took vows of : chastity, poverty and obedience Church Dormitory Monasteries were led by an abbot who was elected by his monk brothers; convents were led by an abbess Bound by the abbey church Dormitory where the monks slept Refectory where the monks ate Library and scriptorium where monks wrote Library and Scriptorium Refectory

4 Rise of Church Reformers
1. Marriage of priests, Lay investiture, Simony 2. 3. Help sick and poor 4. 1. 2. Cluny & Benedict rules 3. 4. Education Rise of Church Reformers CAUSE EFFECT

5 Materials / Methodology
25-3 Learning- use matrix Cathedral Schools Universities Unions were groups who joined together for a common cause Parish clergy set up schools How established Run by bishops Head Headed by a chancellor Trained students to become government workers and teachers Students and teachers complained of too few classes, subjects and qualified teachers Objectives Classes on individual subjects were held at set times during the day 7: grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry and music Subjects taught Students lived in boarding houses. Rich supporters built buildings for students to live in. Students paid fees to attend class in dark halls rented by teachers. Tuition Books were few and costly. Students memorized explanations. Materials / Methodology Students were punished for missing daily mass, disturbing the peace or sword play.

6 Learning establ head obj sub tuition material method

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