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HEAT INVESTIGATION! By Brooklyn and Amelia. HEAT INVESTIGATION! By Brooklyn and Amelia.

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2 HEAT INVESTIGATION! By Brooklyn and Amelia

3 What is heat Heat is a form of energy
We transfer heat from the hotter object to the cooler object. There are three different types of heat transfer they are convection, conduction and radiation. We measure heat using a thermometer.

4 Heat transfer Definition : Is the movement of energy (warmth) from one thing to another colder thing heat flows from a high temperature location to a low temperature location. Example : When you put a cool face washer on your face the temperature in your face leaves to warm the face washer so you are colder because some of your heat left.

5 Convection Definition: Heat transfer through fluid movement, the heat moves though liquid or air. Example: When you use convection oven the heat is moving through air. photo from

6 Conduction Definition: Heat transfer from one object to another by direct contact. Example: When you fry an egg the egg is touching the pan directly. Photo from

7 Radiation Definition: Heat transfer through waves or particles.
Example: When you warm up pasta in the microwave heats by the waves of heat. Photo from

8 How we measure heat We measure heat using a thermometer.
A thermometer is a glass tube with mercury that rises to the number on the thermometer because it expands and because it can not go to thee sides it goes up. When the mercury rises that means the partials are bouncing of each other more therefore it is hotter . when the mercury rises that means the partials are bouncing of each other less therefore it is cooler. Photo from

9 Who thinks about heat Lots of jobs require thinking about heat here are a few we found Engineers have to think about heat because they have to make sure rooms aren’t too hot or too cold. Builders have to think about heat because they have to make sure the insulation is not to thick or thin and make sure all of the heaters and coolers work. Chefs and cooks have t think about heat because they need to make sure all of the items are cooked at the right temperature.

10 Thermal energy Definition: Energy processed by an object or system due to the movement of particles within the object or system. Example: When you put a pot on the fire there are partials in the fire that warm the pot. Photo from

11 Sources of heat We have many sources of heat that keep us warm here are some that we have found: The sun: the sun is our main source of heat we get light and warmth and energy from it Earths coir: earths coir is or second source of heat being 6,000 degrees Celsius Our hearts: our heart is our main source of heat always keeping our body warm keeping us moving and our blood flowing.

12 How we use heat We use heat in many different ways here are a few that we found: cooking: we use heat to frees cool cook and warm the food that you cook. To work machines: some machines need solar panels they collect heat from the sun. We also use heat to heat to keep us

13 Other interesting facts
Have you ever wondered how ice melts in water well the water is warmer than the ice and the water heat leaves to warm the ice cube this is why it melts and why the water gets cold. When things get hot they expand for example: when you try to put a flute together when it is hot the pieces are very hard to get together then after you play it is hard to take it apart because the pieces are hot because they have expanded. A heat insulator can be a sleeping bag warm jacket or a thick fluff that goes in the wall or ceiling it means to keep the warm air in and the cold air out but eventually the hot air leaves your body.

14 Where we found our information thermal energy what is temperature Heat lesson 3: ‘conduction and convection’ Heat lesson 2: ‘sources of heat’ Heat lesson 1: ‘ heat unit one’ Blue image from

15 We hope you learnt something about heat!

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