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ArcToolbox A collection of commands In 11 toolboxes

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1 ArcToolbox A collection of commands In 11 toolboxes
Useful tools for the project of site selection CE697V, 2004

2 Analysis tools Split Clip the Input Feature and store them in multiple output feature classes. The boundary of each unique value in the Split Field is used to split the Input Features. The name of the output feature classes will be the same as the Split Fields unique values. CE697V, 2004

3 Analysis tools Identity Symm. Diff
Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features and Identity Features. The Input Features or portion thereof which overlap Identity Features will get the attributes of those Identity Feature. Symm. Diff Symmetric Difference calculates the geometric intersection of the input feature classes and writes out features that are common to only one of the inputs. The input and difference feature layers/feature classes must be both polygons. CE697V, 2004

4 Analysis tools Update Update Feature must be polygon.
If the input feature class or layer is polygon, the update features are used to erase and then replace the input features. If the input is line or point, the features or portion of feature which overlaps an update feature will have it's attribute updated. Update CE697V, 2004

5 Analysis tools Near Point Distance
The Near tool computes the distance from each point in the input feature class or layer to the nearest point, or polyline, in the near feature class or layer, within the maximum search radius Analysis tools Near The Point Distance tool computes the distances between point features in one feature class or layer to all points in a second feature class or layer that are within the specified Search Radius. Point Distance CE697V, 2004

6 Geocoding Table to dBASE To GDB To GDB Create GDB
Conversion Tools Data Management tools CE697V, 2004

7 Groundwater Hydrology Surface char. Zone analysis Interpolation
Spatial Analyst tools CE697V, 2004

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