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Addition of H2O across a triple bond

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1 Addition of H2O across a triple bond
Alkyne Reactions: Addition of H2O across a triple bond

2 Addition of H2O across a triple bond
H2O can be added across a triple bond in two ways: By using BH3 followed by H2O2 and NaOH or H2SO4 and HgSO4. Depending on which reagent you use determines where the –OH will end up.

3 Addition of Water across a triple bond (2 Reactions)

4 Selectivity As you can see, H2SO4 and HgSO4 attacks the more substituted carbon of the triple bond. Since BH3 actually attacks the less substituted carbon twice, we use a hindered borane, called “(sia)2BH”

5 Tautomerism The enol (alcohol bonded to ac arbon in an alkene) is less stable than the “keto” (C=O) form. The enol product of hydration of a triple bond tends to tautomerize into it’s keto form.

6 Examples of Tautomerism:
Equilibrium Lies FAR to the right in the tautomerism, with few notable exceptions.

7 What is the Product? ?

8 Incorrect

9 Correct

10 What is the Product? ?

11 Incorrect

12 Correct

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