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President George W. Bush

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1 President George W. Bush
Section 33.2 and 33.3

2 Main Ideas Following a troubled election, Republican George W. Bush won the White House and strongly promoted his agenda. A horrific attack on Sep. 11, 2001 awakened the nation to the threat of terrorism and changed America’s view of the world.

3 2000 Election Democrats choose Al Gore, VP under Clinton.
Republicans choose George W. Bush, governor of Texas and son of former president.

4 2000 Election The election is close, especially in Florida where 25 electoral votes are at stake. Many TV channels announce that Gore has won FL, but later retract Bush narrowly won by 300 votes, a recount was ordered. The recount confirmed that Bush won, but Gore asked for another recount. FL refused, so Gore sued. The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court (Bush v. Gore), where it was decided that there would be no further recounts.

5 Controversies Gore won the popular vote, Bush the EC: 271 to 266
The voting method used in Florida was called into question, many said the ballots were misleading. Many speculated political sabotage, Bush’s brother was the governor of FL. A 3rd unofficial recount finally confirmed that Bush won by 900 votes. Gore won the popular vote, Bush the EC: 271 to 266 Closest election since 1876.

6 2000 Election

7 Education Bush’s ED policy was designed to increase accountability in teachers, students, and administrators. No Child Left Behind: requires states to test students at the end of many courses to assure they have achieved basic goals. Controversial because many believe test alone cannot provide an accurate analysis of students knowledge.

8 Bush’s Cabinet Bush selected many veteran public officials to join his cabinet. Colin Powell: former general became Secretary of State

9 Terrorism in the US Terrorism was not new to the US, but few major attacks had occurred. 1998: 2 US embassies in Africa were hit, killing hundreds of Americans and Africans. 2000: a US ship was attacked in Yemen, killing many. These attacks were planned by a Muslim extremist group known as Al-Quaeda, led by Osama bin Laden. The US searched for bin Laden, but he was protected by the government of Afghanistan, the Taliban.

10 Osama bin Laden

11 September 11, 2001

12 September 11, 2001

13 September 11, 2001

14 September 11, 2001

15 September 11, 2001 Terrorists hijacked 4 jets
2 were flown into the World Trade Center towers. 1 crashed into the Pentagon, near DC. The last plane was heading toward DC, when passengers took their own lives, in order to save those on the ground. Nearly 3,000 died, more than at Pearl Harbor.

16 Government’s Reaction
Patriot Act: strengthened law enforcement officials ability to search for and detain suspected terrorists. Controversy: Some compare the PA to the Alien and Sedition Acts, claiming in unfairly infringes upon rights. Department of Homeland Security: Created to organize and prevent future manmade and natural disasters. Airport Security: increased measures were put in place to assure hijackings don’t occur again.

17 Invasion of Afghanistan
Immediately after 9-11, Bush asks the Taliban to hand over bin Laden, they refuse. The Taliban welcomed terrorists and shielded them from the outside world. In October, the US and NATO allies invade Afghanistan. Allied forces quickly took control of much of Afgh., but some resistance remains today. Afghanistan’s government was recreated to allow greater civil rights and democracy.

18 Iraq Iraq’s government had openly supported terrorists that attacked Israel. As late as 1998 Iraq had been trying to create nuclear weapons. The fear of nuclear proliferation (increase in nations with nukes) made many concerned that Iraq could pose a threat in the near future. 2003: Congress approves the use of military force to overthrow the Iraqi government.

19 Iraq

20 Iraq US succeeds in toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime.
US forces never find evidence that Iraq was working of nuclear weapons, leading many to question Bush’s motives. The US military is still present in Iraq today. Terrorism and anti-governmental groups are operating within Iraq to try and overthrow the new democratic government. President Obama has committed to withdraw troops and turn over control to the Iraqi military.

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