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Who’s My President EOC Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Who’s My President EOC Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who’s My President EOC Review

2 Returned Panama Canal to Panama

3 Jimmy Carter

4 Cuban Missile Crisis

5 John F. Kennedy

6 Watergate

7 Richard Nixon

8 Sent National Guard to Central High School in Little Rock

9 Dwight Eisenhower

10 Trickle Down Economics

11 Ronald Reagan

12 Refused to help Americans during the Great Depression

13 Herbert Hoover

14 World War I

15 Woodrow Wilson

16 Terrorist Attack

17 George W. Bush

18 Tea Pot Dome Scandal

19 Warren Harding

20 Faced impeachment over affair with intern

21 Bill Clinton

22 Medicare Programs to Help the Poor

23 Lyndon B. Johnson

24 ‘Vietnamization”

25 Richard Nixon

26 Ordered atomic bombs on Japan

27 Harry Truman

28 Gulf of Tonkin

29 Lyndon B. Johnson

30 New Deal

31 Franklin D. Roosevelt

32 Pardoned Nixon for Watergate crimes

33 Gerald Ford

34 Sent troops to Kuwait, Panama and Somalia

35 George H.W. Bush

36 War in Iraq

37 George W. Bush

38 Conservationism Antitrust Laws Consumer Rights

39 Theodore Roosevelt

40 Ordered building the Panama Canal

41 Theodore Roosevelt

42 Fourteen Points

43 Woodrow Wilson

44 “Rugged Individualism”

45 Herbert Hoover

46 President during most of WWII

47 Franklin D Roosevelt

48 Died from complications from polio

49 Franklin D Roosevelt

50 Court-Packing Plan

51 Franklin D Roosevelt

52 “Great Society”

53 Lyndon B Johnson

54 Stagflation

55 Gerald Ford

56 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

57 Barack Obama

58 Iran-Contra Affair

59 Ronald Reagan

60 Department of Energy

61 Jimmy Carter

62 End of Cold War

63 George H.W. Bush

64 Health Care Reforms

65 Barack Obama

66 War on Terror

67 George W Bush

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