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People who help us Communication and Language Physical Development

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Presentation on theme: "People who help us Communication and Language Physical Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 People who help us Communication and Language Physical Development
Listening to stories and rhymes Identifying significant parts of the story- main character- etc Ask/answer questions about People who Help Us Physical Development Awareness of space Gaining control over fastenings when getting changed for PE Understand how our bodies feel after exercise Using the correct pencil grip Using and holding scissors correctly Christmas cards, labels, lists PSED Making friends, sharing and taking turns How /Why people help us How we can show others how we feel Personal hygiene Understanding the world Showing an interest in different occupations and ways of life Learning about people who help us- Police, Fire fighters, Nurses, Doctors, Refuse Collectors, Opticians, Teachers Priests. Computer-using the mouse and developing mouse control. Programming beebot. Talking Christmas in different countries Christmas cooking Literacy Writing CVC CVCC CCVC words Introducing letter sounds from phase 3 Writing lists/labels lists, presents, cards, Reading development- reading cvc, ccvc, cvcc words following the letters and sounds/jolly phonics Join in rhymes and songs People who help us Mathematics Recognise numerals 0-20 Count aloud in ones Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects EXT 20 Find 1more and 1 less than each number up to 10 Use language such as (greater/smaller/heavier/lighter) to compare quantities Begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects and subtractions to taking away Use vocabulary for adding and subtraction Expressive Arts and Design Creating pictures using a range of materials, paint, collage, sculpting, dewing, chalking Role-play/Small world- people who help us Music- singing songs, rhymes, understanding beat, rhyme. Painting Christmas pictures, Christmas gifts- candles, cards

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