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BBe Still Project: Finding God in Everything!

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1 BBe Still Project: Finding God in Everything!
Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens




5 The Problem We Don’t Recognize it! We are too Busy!
We are too Distracted! Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

6 Be Still Project The Goal:
To help us have a Be Still Moment throughout the Day, so that we can experience God’s Presence in Everything we do and grow to be spiritually FAT! Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

7 Be Still Project What it’s Not: A Rule Not a Program
Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

8 Be Still Project It’s simply about setting a rhythm in our lives that can help us FOCUS on God’s presence, so that God may come into our lives and transform us. Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

9 In the Morning Time of Reading God’s word Time of Prayer
Time of Renewing Vision and Values of Life. Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

10 During the Day Prayer Before, During, and After work.
Definition of Work “Any purposeful expenditure of energy-whether manual, mental, or both, whether paid or not” (Work Matters, p.2). Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

11 Prayer and Work Work and prayer help us grow into wholeness (Ung)
“Work is one of the means of our spiritual progress. It has to be performed in such a way that man becomes better not only in the sense of physical efficiency but also in the moral sense.” (Wyszynski, 28) Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

12 Engaging our Work with Prayer
Making space for prayer…even in impossible situations. We may need to offer silent prayers before every activity We may need a ‘reflection time’ at the end of the business day to audit what we did as managers that hurt or healed, that liberated or thwarted potential. Ex. Accounting Office. Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

13 At the End of Day Time of Reflection Place yourself in God’s presence.
For what moment today am I most grateful? For what moment today am I least grateful? How was God transforming my character today? Review your day slowly. Sw-spirituality in mbi R. Paul Stevens

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