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HTR 7.01 Discuss concepts of ethnicity, culture and race.

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1 HTR 7.01 Discuss concepts of ethnicity, culture and race.
Tina Marie Hunt, RN, BSN, HOE

2 Individual uniqueness
We must respect the individuality of each person. Various factors influence: Physical characteristics – gender, size, hair, nail, skin color Family life Socioeconomic status Religious beliefs Any major influence on any individuals uniqueness is the person’s cultural/ethnic heritage.

3 Influences on Individual uniqueness
Geographical location Education Occupation Life experiences

4 Culture The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors, & customs unique to a particular group of people. Set of rules Provides the individual with a blueprint or general design for living, family relation, child rearing, education, occupational choice social interaction.

5 Culture Influences: Religion health care Beliefs food practices
Relationships Education Spirituality social interactions

6 Four basic Culture characteristics
Learned Shared Social dynamic & changing Learned – culture does not just happen it is learned, taught by others. Example children lerns patterens of behavior by imitating Adults and developing attitudes accepted by others. Shared- common practices and beliefs are shared with others in a culturalgroup. Social- culture is social in nature, indivuals in the cultural groups understand appropriate behavior based on traditions that have been passed from generation to generations. Culture is dynamic & changing – New ideas may generate standards for behVIOR. Allows a cultural group to meet the needs of the group by adapting to environmental changes.

7 Ethnicity classification of people based on national origin and/or culture Ethic groups share a common heritage, geographical location, social customs, language and beliefs. Many different ethics exist in the U.S. Members of an ethnic group my practice all the beliefs but they are still influenced bu other members of the group.

8 Common Ethnic groups African American – Central & South African, Dominican Republic, Haiti, & Jamaica Asian American – Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia & Pacific Island, Japan, Korea, Laos, Pakistan, Philippines, Samoa, and Vietnam

9 Common Ethnic groups European American – England, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia & Scotland Hispanic American – Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spanish-speaking countries in Central and South America

10 Common Ethnic groups Middle Eastern/Arab American – Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and other North African and Middle Eastern Countries Native American – Over 500 tribes of American Indians and Eskimos

11 Race classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics such as the color of skin, eyes & hair; facial features, blood type and bone structure. Used to label a group of people & explain patterns of behaviors The values, beliefs & behaviors learned from the ethnic/cultural group Blacks from Africa and blacks from the Caribbean share many of the same physical characteristics, but they respent different ethnic groups and have different cultural beliefs and values.

12 Cultural diversity Differences based on cultural, ethnic, and racial factors U.S.

13 Cultural assimilation
The absorption of many cultures into the dominant culture. Requires new group to alter their unique beliefs and behaviors and adopt the ways of the dominant culture Melting pot

14 Acculturation The process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and assuming some of the characteristics.

15 Sensitivity The ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others. Essential for HC providers

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