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SMi “Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Conference” London

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Presentation on theme: "SMi “Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Conference” London"— Presentation transcript:

1 SMi “Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Conference” London
27-28 January 2010 Maintaining Maintenance Effectiveness Rupert England Human Factors Planning Consultant, SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

2 Systems of Interest TC HC Human System
SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

3 Know the System What is the System of Interest?
What are its Components? How do they inter-relate? Where are the System Boundaries? (HUMS Perspectives) What are the System’s emergent Properties? SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

4 Information & IS Local MIS Joint Logistics Capability MIS
SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

5 Systems Fit-For-Purpose
Effective (do what it says on the box)  Efficient  Safe  Unobstrusive (don’t get in the operator’s way)  Cost-effective Have no hidden or nasty surprises! Over-emphasis on Technology Component Too many businesses engineer technologies rather than Systems Fit-For-Purpose Logic Myths “If it works for me it’ll work for most people” = Big leap of faith! Attitudes like this prevent early Human Factors (where it offers biggest cost-benefits) SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

6 More Issues * Awareness Communication & Shared Understanding
Information Systems Fit-For-Purpose Organisations as Systems Safety Culture Military - Industry Partnerships (CLS) Trust Agile & Innovative Partnerships Oversight * See accompanying paper on conference CD for fuller discussion of issues SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

7 Oversight, Boundaries and Accountabilities
ValuJet DC-9 Air Accident Operator Failures MRO Failures Regulatory Authority Failures NTSB (1997) finding: An operator “cannot delegate its responsibility for the safety of its operations and maintenance to its subcontractors” Who today is responsible within your Military - CLS partnership? Sure? SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

8 Conclusions Many systemic and human factors affect Maintenance Capability Risks as well as Opportunities No sustainable effective Capability likely from ad hoc approach The Challenge Ahead: We need an overarching Maintenance Management Framework Within which the issues discussed (and many others) Can be addressed in a methodical, systematic way. Initial barriers: Ownership – Can MoD tell UK PLC what to do? Who owns effectiveness problem? Authority Coherence SMi Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, London JAN 2010

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