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Mitchell Harbaugh Strength Coaches

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Presentation on theme: "Mitchell Harbaugh Strength Coaches"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitchell Harbaugh Strength Coaches
Track the Intensity! Mitchell Harbaugh Strength Coaches

2 Increase athletes work capacity!

3 Delay fatigue Increased anaerobic threshold means fatigue won’t hit as quickly

4 Essential Equipment Heart rate monitor Vo2 Max Anaerobic threshold equipment Treadmill/bike

5 Non-Essential Equipment
Other equipment used to test athletes Rower Ski Erg True Form Runner Assault Bike

6 Importance of these measures
Know where you athletes need work Anaerobic threshold means longer work at intensity Vo2 max = retest for improvement

7 Becoming a better Athlete
Delay fatigue Increase work capacity in sport

8 Better Coach Aid in improving coaching Knowing you athletes Taking them to peak threshold Motivation to keep intensity

9 Better team atmosphere
Anaerobic threshold = see who has capability to be better Teammates work hard to : Push each other b/c of threshold Beat each other b/c of threshold

10 True test See actual results to improvement Which athlete has higher ability Motivation to push better

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