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Why Are We Tempted? James 1: Why Are We Tempted? James 1:13-15.

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2 Why Are We Tempted? James 1:13-15

3 Important To Remember 1. All of us are tempted to sin.
2. And at some point, we all sin. 3. However, God is not the one who tempts us.

4 Man’s 3 Great Enemies Ephesians 2:1-3
1. Satan (I Peter 5:8) 2. The Flesh (Galatians 5:16-24) 3. The World (I John 2:15-17) Ephesians 2:1-3

5 God Could Have Made it easier on us Done something about the Devil
Done something about the flesh Done something about the world

6 Why Are We Tempted? It’s a test of our love and commitment to God
It’s necessary to spiritual growth It teaches us we must depend on God if we are to survive

7 Never Forget We CAN overcome - Satan (James 4:7)
- the flesh (Galatians 5:24) - the world (I John 5:4) - temptation (I Cor.10:13)

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